AbstractDatabases play a very important role in the
modern software system, especially in the big data age. It is the
centralized repository for all kinds of data. Therefore, all
students majoring in technology and computer science related
fields should take database courses. However, learning about
databases could be challenging without hands-on exercises. It is
very important for students to be familiar with database
commands and the associated clauses so they can write better
database queries. Since the data resides in the database, it is
hard for students to imagine the results, especially if there are a
lot of records. Visualizing the intermediate results will help
students to learn how to write better queries and troubleshoot.
It is not practical to just use the command line to interact with
the database server. Students must learn the industry standard
3-tier method to retrieve, insert, update and delete thousands of
data from databases, and how to write web programs to do so.
Designing an E-commerce platform should be the core of
fundamental database curriculum - including a friendly graphic
user interface for customers to sign up for accounts, search
items, place orders and view histories. The instructors should
not focus on teaching the database topics, but also show
students how to manage the database server and user accounts
in the classes. This paper proposes an integrated curriculum for
learning about databases through developing database web
Index TermsApache, database web applications, PHP,
Before the first commercial Database Management System
(DBMS) was introduced by Oracle in late 1970s [1], teaching
Databases was mainly based on theoretical concepts. Even in
late 1980s, most schools could not afford to buy the
expensive DBMS, preventing students from attaining
hands-on experience. After free and open source relational
DBMS, such as MySQL [2], was made available to the public
in the mid-1990s, students were able to utilize DB for
projects. Although MySQL originally did not have many
functions during its early developmental stages, performing
basic SQL queries significantly helped students gain
hands-on experience for data management.
Since the data is stored in the database, the ability to
retrieve and display data is critical. Even though the DBMS
provides both a command line interface and a Graphic User
Interface (GUI) for users to retrieve, insert, update, and
delete records, it is often difficult for non-computer science
employees to write SQL statements through these interfaces
to manually work on the DB. It is impossible for external
Manuscript received September 12, 2018; revised December 4, 2018.
Ching-Yu Huang is with School of Computer Science, Kean University,
Union, New Jersey, USA (e-mail: [email protected]).
customers to access the DB directly without any application
interface. Therefore, developing DB applications to help
users (staff and customers) access data is very important for
scaling up any business. Since web-based applications are
becoming essential for various industries, a web DB
application should one of the main focuses for projects in any
DB course.
In order for a computer language to communicate with the
DBMS, specific drivers are required for each language.
Different DBMS require users to install different DB drivers,
which are usually provided by the vendors. In addition, many
DB drivers are Operating System (OS) platform dependent,
especially for C, C++, and other compiled languages.
Scripting languages such as Perl and Python use a standard
DB library across different platforms [3], [4]. Even through
Java is a platform independent programming language, it still
requires connecting packages which are OS dependent. Now,
more and more languages are being introduced which better
accommodate the integration between web and database
servers. These languages, which are considered server-side,
must be run on web servers. For example, Hypertext
Preprocessor (PHP) [3] is one of the most popular languages
for those working on web DB applications. Apache [4], a free
open source web server, has a built-in module that allows
users to integrate PHP with MySQL [5].
It is difficult for DB instructors to set up and manage both
Web and DB servers and manage student accounts, while
teaching DB courses at the same time. An integrated software
package, XAMPP, was introduced in 2002 which helps
combat this issue [6]. The package is cross platform (X), and
it includes an Apache (A) web server and a MySQL (M)
database, as well as Perl (P) and Python (P) compatibility.
The latest XAMPP also has phpMyAdmin a free and open
source administration tool for MySQL and MariaDB and
Tomcat, a web server for Java Servlet. Additionally, XAMPP
already has PHP built-in. It is available for Windows, iOS,
and Linux systems and does not require powerful hardware.
This allows students to easily install XAMPP on their laptops,
and run an Apache web server and a MySQL server at the
same time. Once students are familiar with the client-server
model, it will be easier to pick up the 3-tier architecture that is
often used in the real world, where each is typically stored on
a separate machine.
This paper will utilize XAMPP as a part of the proposed
curriculum and hands-on exercises. MySQL will be used as
the database to learn SQL, phpMyAdmin [7] will be used for
creating users and managing MySQL DBMS, and MySQL
Workbench a visual administration tool to manage MySQL
DB will be used as the GUI for writing SQL queries and
viewing the results. PHP and Apache will be the languages
used for developing web applications.
Learning Database through Developing Database Web
Ching-Yu Huang
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2019.9.4.1207
Relational DB [8] are often adopted for teaching purposes
because it still accounts for the majority of the DB job market;
thus, they will be the focus of the curriculum. The proposed
DB curriculum is based on 40 total hours - 32 hours of total
lesson time (13 weeks and 2.5 hours per week) and 4 exams,
with 2 hours allocated for each, including reviewing the
answers. Students should have at least a basic level of
programming knowledge with a good foundation in variables,
loops, logic conditions, if statements, arrays, and functions.
The curriculum will build on this prerequisite knowledge by
focusing on basic DB knowledge and its application.
Theoretical concepts such as relational calculus, and
advanced topics such as triggers, transactions, concurrency
control, query Processing & optimization, DBA, and data
mining are not covered. The assignments include 2
homework assignments and one web DB application project,
with two phases.
Instructors should prepare several tables with records and
export the tables into SQL files for students to download.
This way, students can import the tables into their local
MySQL server and work on the same tables and dataset as
that of the instructors. Consequently, everyone should obtain
the same results when doing exercises with the same SQL
statements. If students have any difficulties, instructors can
quickly help the students. Students should do more exercises
on basic SQL operations, and should not be limited to the
examples shown in this paper, as this is not intended to be a
textbook. The following subsections detail the weekly
A. Introduction of DB
The first week of lessons should include the following
topics: class policy, the course schedule, an overview of the
DB curriculum, basic DB concepts, and the role of DB in
modern software systems. The fundamental knowledge of the
client-server model and 3-tier architecture should be covered.
Instructors should also help students install the XAMPP
package, and make sure the MySQL and Apache web servers
can be run successfully.
B. BASIC SQL Select, Where, Sorting
The 2
week should cover basic concepts of tables, rows,
columns, and data types. This week focus on the SQL
SELECT command and its syntax, with AS, LIKE,
clauses. Students should be able to select specific records and
columns with simple and compound conditions. In addition,
one should cover how to sort the output. Homework 1 should
be given in the 2
week, and due at the end of the 6
week. It
should mainly focus on the SELECT queries. As a result of
this week’s curriculum, students should be able to write the
following SQL statements based on Table I, a sample table of
staff members at a company.
1) The following SQL statement shows all columns, for all
2) The following SQL statement shows the salary and
department for any staff named Mary.
SELECT salary, dept FROM Staff WHERE name='Mary';
3) The following SQL statement shows the unique
department for any staff who has name contains the
letter “e”.
SELECT distinct dept from Staff WHERE name like
4) The following SQL statement shows the names of all
staff who are female and have a salary >= 40000.
SELECT name FROM Staff WHERE sex='F' and salary
>= 40000;
5) The following SQL statement shows the names and
salaries of all staff that work at IT department, with the
output sorted from high to low (in salary).
SELECT name, salary FROM Staff WHERE dept=’IT’
sid name dept sex salary ext
101 Mary IT F 45000 121
102 Smith HR M 37000 NULL
103 Tony IT M 38000 115
104 Sarah PJ F 35000 311
105 Mark IT M 45000 153
106 Alice HR F 39000 433
C. Web DB Application
In the 3
week, students should learn how to display the
data from the DB on the browser after learning the basic
SELECT statements. This should be done twofold: first, the
instructor should quickly cover basic web design and how to
take input and pass the values to PHP programs on the
Apache web server. Then, students should learn how to use
PHP to retrieve the data from the DB using the input values.
The main goal of this paper is to focus on learning the basic
DB queries and integrating the DB and Web. This means
only basic web programming is required to show how the
web and DB work together. Students should take web
programming courses for learning how to design better web
pages and more aesthetic GUI. Project 1 should be given in
the 3
week and should be due at the end of the 7
week. The
details of the project are described in section 2.4.
1) Input on web page (browser)
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a markup
language to create web pages and web applications using tags
<>. Many HTML tags have attributes that can modify
elements, specify tags’ values, or perform specific actions.
The browser will interpret the tags and attributes, with
specific syntax, that will take input and display results. The
HTML file should have the *.html extension and should
begin with an <HTML> tag and end with an </HTML> tag.
Fig. 1 shows the HTML source code of a simple web page
that allows a user to enter input. The web page is shown in
Fig. 2. Most HTML tags require end tags </> to match the
begin tag <>.
The message written between <TITLE> and </TITLE>
will be displayed as the title of the web page. The <BR> tag
creates a new single line break. The <input> tag specifies an
input field where the user can enter data. <input> elements
are used within a <form> element to declare input controls
which allow users to input data [9]. An input field can vary in
many ways, depending on the type attribute. The first
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
<INPUT> tag allows users to enter text, and the 2
<INPUT> tag is a submit type which will ask the browser to
pass the values of <INPUT> tags, which are placed between
<FORM> and </FORM> tags, to the program on the web
server. More information about HTML tags can be
referenced at w3schools.com [10].
Fig. 1. The HTML source code of test.html.
Fig. 2. The display on the browser from the HTML code shown in Fig. 1.
2) Common gateway interface (CGI)
A browser uses the CGI protocol to send the information to
a web server [11]. When the input values and other
information shown on the browser are passed to the web
server using the <FORM> tag, the browser also tells the web
server to call the specific program defined in the action
attribute of the <FORM> tag. For example, the PHP program
check.php, which is defined inside the <FORM> tag in Fig. 1,
is called with the specific input. In order for this to work, the
program should be able to be executed directly by the OS
where the web server is running. Most of the CGI programs
are nowadays written in scripting languages because it is
easier to maintain. When the web server receives a message
from the browser, it will trigger the OS to call the language
interpreter to run the program.
There are two methods can be defined in the <FORM> to
pass the information from the browser to the web server
GET and POST. The GET method will show the message
string (name/value pairs) that is sent in the URL. Many
search functions are implemented in the GET method so
people can change keyword values in the URL. This will
allow other programs to call the URL directly and obtain the
results. The POST method delivers a message in the HTTP
message body, which is not visible from the URL. If the
message contains confidential information, such as a
password or other information that should not be visible, it is
better to use the POST method.
3) Web CGI programming using PHP
The PHP program that the programmer wishes to call
should be written between the strings “<?php” and “?>”. For
more PHP reference materials, tutorials for PHP can be found
at w3schools.com [11]. Once the CGI program is called, it
will receive all the <input> tags’ names and values. In PHP,
special arrays $_POST[] and $_GET[] are used to get the
values of the corresponding name in the array (note that the $
sign is used to indicate variables in PHP). For example, the
following statement will assign the ‘keyword’ value of
<INPUT> tag in Fig. 1 to a PHP variable $value.
4) Access MySQL using PHP
PHP has built-in functions to work with MySQL DB [12].
The basic steps are as follow: 1. Establish a connection to the
DB on a server with a valid login and password. 2. Send the
query string. 3. Receive the results and place them in a PHP
array. 4. Check the number of rows in the array. 5. Fetch all
the records in the result array. 6. Free the result array and
close the connection. A sample program that follows this
procedure is shown in Fig. 3. The program connects to the
“test” database on the “localhost” server using the login
“tester” and password “1234”.
If the DB connection fails, the program can use
mysqli_connect_error() to show the error message returned
from the DB; the program should terminate immediately and
display the error message. It will be a waste of the web
server’s resources if the login fails but the program continues
to run the rest of the statements.
As shown in the following PHP statement, a variable $sql
stores the query string which selects the names and salaries
from the Staff table with condition dept='$value' (as assigned
in section 2.3.3).
$sql= "SELECT name, salary FROM Staff where dept='$value'";
Please note that if the attribute is not a numeric type, the
PHP variable $value should be surrounded with single quotes
for logic comparisons, and numeric values should not be
wrapped with single quotes for comparison. For example, to
compare the salary column with the PHP variable, the correct
comparison statement is salary=$value (to see if they are
The function mysqli_query() will send the query string to
the DB through the variable $conn. If the query is
successfully executed by the DB server, the returned results
are saved into the 2-D array $result. The function
mysqli_num_rows() returns the number of records stored in
the array. The function mysqli_fetch_assoc() will fetch a
record each time from the 2-D array and the record is saved to
a 1-D array $row. The while loop will read every record in
the 2-D array. The values of name and salary can be retrieved
from the 1-D array $row using the table column name
“name” and “salary” as the keys. The results are displayed on
the browser using the <TABLE> tag and its related tags:
table row tag <TR>, table header tag <TH>, and table
data/cell tag <TD>.
Fig. 4 shows the results of a search with the keyword “HR”,
displayed in a table with 2 columns (name and salary) and 3
rows. If the search does not yield any results, a warning
message should be displayed so users know what happened.
Fig. 5 shows the results if no record is found (i.e. if the search
keyword is “XY”). For the 3-tier architecture commonly used
with web DB applications, bugs and problems might arise at
front-end, middle-end, or back-end. Therefore, it is important
to keep users informed with meaningful messages about the
running status.
Web DB application: search department
<FORM action='check.php'>
<INPUT type='text' name='keyword' method=’GET’>
<INPUT type='submit' value='Check'>
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
Fig. 3. PHP source code receives the input department value from the
browser and displays all staff names and salaries if the input department is
found in the DB.
Fig. 4. The results displayed on the browser when the input department is
“HR”. The “keyword” and its associated input value “HR” are displayed in
the URL.
Fig. 5. No record is found when the input department is “XY”.
Fig. 6. The PHP program should show error messages if “keyword” is not
used, or if there are no input values passed through GET method.
If the PHP program check.php is run without using the
GET method with “keyword” and an input value, the
program should terminate immediately and display an error
message “No keyword is entered!”, as shown in Fig. 6. This
way, the web server will not waste any resources, as
aforementioned. Since the web application can be accessed
by many people, it can be costly if preventative measures are
not taken. It is very important to teach students how to protect
the servers in the client-server architecture.
The ALTER command can change the table structure; for
instance, it can add or remove a column, or change the
datatype and constraints. The DROP command will remove
the entire table or any object from the DB. The commands
CREATE, ALTER, and DROP are called Data Definition
Languages (DDL) because their effects can be seen at the
structure level.
D. QUIZ 1 and Project 1
Students should take Quiz 1 (preferably 60 minutes long)
which should cover the first 3 weeks of material, including
homework 1 and project 1. Instructor should review the
answers and discuss the homework and project assignments.
Project 1 should require the students to create their first DB,
complete with at least two components: 1) the ability to login
with a username and password, and 2) the ability to retrieve
information correctly. Note that this is a basic framework for
a project, and details and implementation should be up to the
1) Retrieve all data from a “User” table provided by the
instructor and display the results on the browser, as
shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Display all the users and their columns from the DB.
2) A sample login page is shown in Fig. 8, and lets people
enter a login ID and password. The program will verify
the login ID and password with the information in the
Users table in the DB.
Fig. 8. Login page.
3) If the login ID and password match the records in the
database, the program should show the user’s IP and
other information, as shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. User home page.
E. SQL Constraints; Creating Tables and Temporary
Tables; Alter and DROP
Students should learn how to create simple tables in this
week as well as how to use constraints - datatype, primary
key, foreign key, auto increment, NOT NULL, default values,
and possible range. Please note that it is very important to
educate students on the impact of the data size. One extra
byte of a column could result in an additional 1GB if there are
1 billion records. Therefore, students should properly choose
the data types; i.e. picking between char and varchar types, or
picking between ints and strings.
1) The following SQL statement details how to create a
table named “Test” with 2 columns (id, name), where id
is of int type and name is of varchar type. Note that id
will be set as the primary key and the value will
CREATE TABLE Test (id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(50));
2) The auto_increment rule will let DBMS automatically
increment the value of the “id” column. The value is
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
indexed from 1 and is increased sequentially. It is good
to use auto_increment when an attribute is required to
have unique and sequential values, i.e. when identifying
the objects, such as product ID, student ID, etc. When
designing the web interface for the user to enter data for
the columns, the interface should not allow the user to
manually add the new value of the auto_increment field.
3) A temporary table can be created during the connection.
Once the user logs out or the connection is closed, the
temporary table will be released from memory. Since
SQL does not have arrays, temporary tables can be used
like 2-D arrays to store the intermediate results
generated by some queries. The following SQL
statement will create a temporary table named Tmp.
4) The following SQL statement adds a new column
“price” before the name column (and after id) in the Test
ALTER TABLE Test add column price float after id;
5) The following SQL statement removes the entire table
from the DB.
F. SQL Join and Set Operations
In a properly designed DB, different information should be
kept in different tables, so tables won’t have irrelevant data.
The address, city, state, and other information of where a
staff member is working at is stored in a separate table named
“Department”, as shown in Table II. The reason why the data
should be separated into two tables will be discussed in the
normalization section later. In order to find the address that
the staff member “Tony” is working at, it should be required
to first use his name to get his “dept” code “IT” in the Staff
table. Then, one should use the “IT” code to retrieve his
address from the “address” column in the “Department” table.
The process of getting information from two or more tables is
called “join”ing.
There two kinds of “join” inner join (also called
INTERSECT), which displays the common values between
tables, and outer join, which shows records in either table.
Often, one will use the “join” operation with a common
column to associate two tables at once. Without the common
column condition, all combinations of two tables will be
displayed. This situation is called “Cartesian product”.
city state
Union NJ
New York NY
Boston MA
Houston TX
1) The following statement shows all combinations of
joining the Staff and Department tables, which has 24
rows (6 rows from Staff x 4 rows from Department) and
10 columns (6 columns from Staff + 4 columns from
SELECT * FROM Staff, Department;
2) The following statement uses an inner join to display the
columns in the Staff and Department tables that contain
common values in the “dept” column, a total of 6 records
(with 10 columns).
SELECT * FROM Staff s, Department d WHERE
3) Since the column name “dept” is the same in both Staff
and Department tables, the statement in 2.7.2 statement
can use a “NATURAL JOIN”, which will join the two
tables but remove the duplicated column, “dept”. This
results in only 9 columns.
SELECT * FROM Staff s NATURAL JOIN Department d;
4) The following statement shows the address, city, and
state where the staff member “Tony” is working at.
SELECT s.name, d.address, d.city, d.state FROM Staff s,
Department d WHERE d.dept=s.dept and s.name='Tony';
5) The following statement uses LEFT OUTER JOIN to list
each department, along with the staff members working
in each department. If the department has no staff, the
columns that correspond to staff members will be filled
with NULL values, as shown in Fig. 9.
SELECT * FROM Department d LEFT JOIN Staff s ON
Fig. 9. The output of the LEFT JOIN query in 2.6.5.
The LEFT JOIN will force all records in the table on the
left side (e.g. for the sample, this is the Department table) to
be shown in the output. There is also RIGHT OUTER JOIN -
all records in the table on the right side will be displayed, and
FULL JOIIN all records in both tables will be displayed.
G. SQL View, Aggregate Functions, and Null
In this week, students should learn about view, understand
what an updatable view is, and know how to create views and
updatable views. The instructor should cover how to use the
5 basic aggregate functions COUNT, AVG, SUM, MIN,
MAX, how to handle NULL values, and how to use the
following set operations INTERSECT, UNION and
DIFFERENCE. If a column value is unknown, it should be
stored as NULL and should not be an empty string or ‘0’.
Instructors should explain and show that NULL values will
impact the results of aggregate functions. The following
1) The following SQL statement shows the number of
female staff. Please note that the output header will also
contain the aggregate function, COUNT, i.e.
“COUNT(sex)”, and NOT just “sex”. This is shown in
Fig. 10 below.
Fig. 10. Result of 2.7.1.
2) When the web DB application needs to retrieve values
from an aggregate function, it is required to rename the
output header. The following PHP statement will change
the output header from “COUNT(sex) to “ct” in the
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
examples are based on Table I.
SQL query. See the output in Fig. 11 below.
$sql="SELECT COUNT(sex) AS ct FROM Staff WHERE
Fig. 11. Result of 2.7.2.
After the name is changed, the following PHP statement
can use the meaningful key “ct” to retreive the value returned
from the DB.
3) The following SQL statement shows the maximum
salary of IT department.
SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Staff where dept = 'IT';
4) The following SQL statement shows the number of
people that have an extension number. An instructor
should discuss how to use IS and IS NOT to find or
exclude the NULL values.
SELECT count(ext) FROM Staff;
The statement can also be written as:
5) The following SQL statement shows how to use the
MAX, COUNT, SUM and AVG functions; remember
that they are impacted by the presence of NULL values.
SELECT COUNT(salary), SUM(salary), AVG(salary),
MAX(salary) from Staff;
6) The following SQL statement shows the logic operations
AND and OR with NULL values. Please note that TRUE
is represented by 1 and FALSE is represented by 0 in
SELECT 1=1, 'a'='b', 1 AND 0, 1 OR 0, 1 AND NULL, 1
7) The following SQL statement will create a view vTest
that is not updatable.
CREATE VIEW vTest AS SELECT dept, count(*) ct FROM
Staff GROUP BY dept;
H. Midterm and Assignments
The 75-minute midterm exam should cover topics from
week 1 to 7. Instructor should also review the answers
following the exam so students know and understand the
mistakes they made. Assignments Homework 1 and Project 1
should have been due in the end of the 6
and 7
respectively. The instructor should provide general feedback
for the students, so they know how to improve for the future.
Homework 2 and Project 2 should be given to the students
this week, and they are should be due in the 12
and 14
week, respectively. Homework 2 mainly covers SQL joins
and stored routines.
Project 2 focuses on the integrating the learning in a
practical environment, with the following requirements
(2.8.1 to 2.8.4). The “search product” function should be
available to anyone without login. For a user whole role is
“Staff”, they should be able to “Add” and “Update” product
1) Create a “Product” table (id, name, description,
sell_price, cost, quantity, user_id, vendor_id) where
user_id is a foreign key that references the primary key,
id, in the “User” table. Vendor_id is also a foreign key
that references the primary key id in the “Vendor” table.
Both the User and Vendor tables should be provided by
the instructor.
2) 2.8.2 Implement a function to search for products, as
shown in Fig. 12. The keyword should be pattern
matched against the product name and description. If no
product is found, a proper message should be displayed.
Fig. 12. A user can enter a keyword to pattern match products by name or
description in the Student’s “Products” table.
3) Create an add product page, as shown in Fig. 13. The
program should require that all data input fields not be
empty and for the numeric fields to not be negative (as
well as within a reasonable price range). The sell_price
must also be greater than the cost. These errors should be
caught at the front-end, by JavaScript, to reduce the web
server’s load. If the same product already exists in the
table, an error message should be displayed. If there are
any errors about the data, the record should not be
inserted into the DB. The vendor id and name should be
retrieved from the Vendor table and only the name
should be displayed in the dropdown list on the web
Fig. 13. An example implementation of 2.8.3.
4) Create an update product page, as shown in Fig. 14. The
columns highlighted in yellow are not updatable. The
Add Product checking rules (outlined in 2.8.3) should be
applied to the 4 updatable columns. Staff members
should be able to update multiple records at once. This
means that the instructor should teach students how to
pass and receive <INPUT> in an array format, though
CGI. The following shows how one can use HTML to
pass the product_id in an array format with the value 3
and in hidden type.
<input type='hidden' name='product_id[]' value='3'>
The following PHP code shows how to calculate the
number of products passed from the browser, and how to
receive the product_id in an array format.
for($i=0;$i<count($_POST['product_id']);$i++) {
I. SQL Group by, Having, Insert, Update, Delete,
Subquery, and in
This week should cover how to group datasets using
GROUP BY, add new records using INSERT, change data
content using UPDATE, and remove a record using DELTE.
From experience, grouping is one of the most challenging
topics in SQL. The commands SELECT, INSERT,
UPDATE, DELETE are called Data Manipulation Language
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
(DML), since their effects can be seen on the data level.
Fig. 14. An implementation of 2.8.4.
Students are often confused between DELETE and DROP,
and UPDATE and ALTER. It is very important that
instructors ask students to do more exercises in class so they
are able to grasp the differences between the two. The
following examples are based on Table 1.
1) The following SQL statement shows the number of staff
in each department.
SELECT dept, COUNT(dept) ct FROM Staff GROUP BY
2) The following SQL statement shows the number of staff
in each department with at least 1 female staff member.
SELECT dept, sex, COUNT(dept) ct FROM Staff where
sex='M' GROUP BY dept, sex having ct >=2 ;
Based on Table I, the results of the previous two queries
are shown in Fig. 15 and 16, respectively.
Fig. 15. Result of 2.9.1.
Fig. 16. Result of 2.9.2.
3) The following SQL statement shows how to increase
“Sarah”’s by $1000.
UPDATE Staff SET salary=salary+1000 where
4) The following SQL statement shows how to add a new
record with id=107, name=’Will’, dept=’PJ’, sex=’F’,
salary=37000, and ext is unknown.
INSERT INTO Staff (id,name,dept,sex,salary,ext) VAUES
(1, 'Will', 'PJ', 'F', 37000, NULL);
Since all column values are provided, the SQL can also be:
INSERT INTO Staff VALUES (1, 'Will', 'PJ', 'F', 37000,
5) The following SQL statement shows how to delete the
record added previously.
DELETE FROM Staff WHERE name='Will';
Instructors should emphasize that all records will be
updated with the same values, or all records will be removed
from the DB, if the WHERE condition is not provided.
Since the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE commands will
not return any results, it is very important to know if the
command was run successfully in the PHP program. The
function mysqli_affected_rows() should be used to detect the
number rows affected.
6) A subquery is a query (inner query) inside another query
(outer query). DBMS will need to execute the inner
query first to get the results for the outer query to use.
The following SQL statement uses subqueries to find the
person’s name who has the maximum salary in “IT”
department. The result is shown in Fig. 17, based on the
data in Table 1.
SELECT name, salary FROM Staff WHERE
salary=(SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Staff WHERE
Fig. 17. The correct result of 2.9.6.
Please note that the following SQL query will produce the
wrong result, as shown in Fig. 18.
SELECT name, MAX(salary) FROM Staff WHERE
Fig. 18. The wrong result of the incorrect SQL query in 2.9.6.
The DBMS will find the correct maximum salary in the
“IT” department. Since MAX is an aggregate function that
produces a single value from populating several records,
DBMS is not able to associate the name with the MAX
function in one step. Therefore, it will pick the first name it
finds in the table that matches the maximum salary. It is
necessary to use a subquery to find the maximum salary of
the ‘IT’ department, and then output all names that have this
maximum salary value. This is because it is possible to have
more than 1 maximum salary, as shown in Fig. 17.
J. SQL Variables and Stored Routines
So far, students have learned SQL by using singular
statements. This is not real programming. Like learning any
computer languages, it is very important to learn how to write
procedures and functions. In SQL, they are called stored
procedures and stored functions because programs will be
stored on a DB server after DBMS compiles the statements
(if there are no syntax errors). In MySQL, stored routines is a
general term that refers to both routines and procedures.
Before students can write a stored routine, they have to
learn about 3 types of SQL variables local, session, and
global. Students also must learn how to assign a value
(constant or variable) to a variable. There are 3 types of
arguments for a procedure IN, OUT, and INOUT but
functions only have an IN type. In addition, instructors
should cover the SQL functions CONCAT() and
GROUP_CONCAT(), and how to use LIKE for pattern
matching an input argument in stored routines.
K. Security, Grant and Revoke
Web DB security can be classified into 4 the following
1) DB user and privilege management. This has to be
done by the following SQL commands: GRANT, which
can give particular privileges to specific objects in the
DB (i.e. also control which users can access the
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
privileges from which hosts), and REVOKE, which can
remove the privileges. The following SQL statement
gives the SELECT privilege on the Staff table in the Test
database to a user named ‘tester’, who can access the DB
from any host (%).
GRANT SELECT ON Test.Staff to tester@% with grant
2) Web page authentication (e.g. login). This often
requires the DB designer to store user login and
password information in a table, for example, the “User”
table in the class project. The login will use the POST
method to pass the login and password to the middle-end
program, which will verify with the data in the DB. The
password should be encrypted by SHA256, or a better
hash function. The password should not be readable
directly select from the table. For example, Fig. 7 is a
poor implementation of the password.
3) DB web page authorization through role control.
Another way to improve web DB application security is
to use roles to control who can access what web pages or
functions. The role can be a numeric level or a string, i.e.
“staff”, “student” shown in Fig. 7. The search function
shown in Fig. 12 can be accessed by anyone, but the add
product page shown in Fig. 13 and update product page
shown in Fig. 14 should be only accessed by “staff”.
4) Using cookies and sessions to control when the web
page should expire. Authentication cookies are the most
common method used by web servers to know whether
the user is logged in or not, and which account they are
logged in with [13].
L. QUIZ 2 and Project 2
The 60-minute Quiz 2 should cover materials from week 9
to 11, and the answers should be reviewed. Instructors should
use this week to check the status of project 2 and help
students improve their web DB programming skills.
M. Planing and Requiremens
It is better to discuss DB planning and requirements after
students have completed their first web DB application
assignment, which will be discussed in section 3. This way,
they already have hands-on experience and know about the
DB features, function, and GUI firsthand and understand the
importance of these requirements. In order to mimic the real
world, instructors could have a group take-home exam after
students learn all the basic SQL queries and let students play
different roles (system engineer, database designer, software
developer, and business staff) to plan a design for a
mini-online store and write the requirements. This way,
students will have the opportunity to brainstorm together and
work as a team. Teamwork is very critical in web DB
N. Logic Design and E-R Model
Traditional DB textbooks often introduce logic design and
the E-R model early in the course. However, from teaching
experiences, many students won’t be able to fully understand
the real meaning of data modeling before they have any
hands-on experience with DB. Therefore, this paper proposes
to move the logic design and E-R model to later parts of the
curriculum. In addition to learning how to model the data
from the requirements, students should also learn how to
convert E-R diagrams to schema diagrams.
O. Normalization and Physical Design
For normalization, the instructor should cover traditional
decomposition, functional dependency, loss-less join, and 1
and 3
normal forms. The BoyceCodd normal form can
be optional. Students should be able to break a big table into
several smaller tables and set the primary keys and foreign
keys to link the smaller tables together.
Physical designs include creating the following objects in
the DB: project database instances, user accounts with proper
privileges, stored routines, and tables based on the schema
diagrams with the necessary columns to be indexed.
Instructors should also teach how to estimate physical disk
sizes for all the tables and recommend the partition size that
will store the database files. It is also important to show
students how to check where the database files are located on
the server. For example, the following SQL statement shows
the data folder for MySQL:
Physical design should not only cover database design, but
should also include application design. Since project 2 is due
at the end of 14
week, the instructor should give overall
feedback about students’ projects and homework, especially
how the implementation relates to physical design data type
and validation, data flow between the 3-tier architecture, the
relationship between tables, and date storage locations on the
DB server.
P. Final Exam
The exam should have two components a take-home
database design and in-class individual written exam. The
take-home is a teamwork assignment that requires a team to
have 5-8 students and design a mini database application.
Each team is given two forms one for registration and one
for a report. The samples are shown in Fig. 19 and 20,
respectively. Each team should have 4 different roles
business staff, system engineer, database designer, and
software developer.
The business staff should write several business rules
based on the two forms. The following are examples based on
the two forms:
1) The registration should take 4 data fields.
2) The product information should not be shown in the
URL when they are passed to backend.
3) The Graphic User Interface is based on the browser.
4) The ID should be automatically assigned by the system.
The system engineer should write the detailed
requirements based on the business rules and the forms.
The database designer should draw the E-R diagram,
create table statements, and perform any tasks related the
The software developer should write the detailed code for
both front-end and back-end. The code should include the
1) HTML code to get user input and button to submit the
input to the webserver.
2) PHP code to validate the input data ranges before
sending them to the database server.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019
3) PHP code to send the query to the database for inserting
and retrieving records.
4) PHP code to display the results returned from the
database on the browser.
The in-class exam should include all topics covered in the
semester, and be weighted 30% for topics covered before
midterm and 70% after the midterm.
Fig. 19. The form to register a product.
Fig. 20. The report to list the products with id, name and price.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1) Explain and write basic SQL statements using the
2) Explain and write basic SQL statements to create and
drop tables, views, and stored routines.
3) Explain and write SQL statements to join multiple tables
with conditions, and group and sort the results.
4) Design and build web database applications with
authentication to retrieve, display, and update data using
the PHP language.
5) Explain and demonstrate the normalization concepts and
This paper proposes a fundamental curriculum for an
undergraduate database course. The main goal of this
proposal is to focus on hands-on experience. Students will
need to write a two-phase and 3-tier comprehensive project
that integrates the web browser, web server, and database
management system. Several software programs were
proposed to help students quickly complete the project.
[1] C. Coronel and S. Morris, Database Systems: Design, Implementation,
& Management, 13th Edition, 2018.
[2] P. DuBois, MySQL, 5 Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, April 12,
[3] L. Ullman, PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 5th Edition,
Peachpit Press, July 25, 2016.
[4] A. Peicevic, Apache HTTP Server Introduction, 2nd Edition,
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, February 9, 2017.
[5] L. Welling and L. Thomson, PHP and MySQL Web Development, 5th
Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, September 30, 2016.
[6] XAMPP Apache + MariaDB + PHP + Perl. (2018). Apache Friends.
[Online]. Available: https://www.apachefriends.org/
[7] M. Delisle, Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.4 for Effective MySQL
Management, Packt Publishing, February 7, 2012.
[8] J. Eckstein and B. R. Schultz, Introductory Relational Database
Design for Business, with Microsoft Access, Wiley, January 16, 2018.
[9] G. Gupta, Mastering HTML5 Forms, Packt Publishing, November 22,
[10] PHP 5 Tutorial. (2018). [Online]. Available:
[11] M. Wright, How To Setup A Linux Web Server, CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform, January 16, 2014.
[12] L. Ullman, PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites, 5th Edition,
Peachpit Press, November 13, 2017.
[13] J. LeBlanc and T. Messerschmidt, Identity and Data Security for Web
Development: Best Practices, O'Reilly Media, June 20, 2016.
Ching-Yu Huang is an assistant professor of the
School of Computer Science at Kean University,
Union, New Jersey, USA since September 2014. Dr.
Huang received a Ph.D. in computer & information
science from New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Newark, New Jersey, USA.
Prior to joining Kean University, Dr. Huang had
more than 16 years of experience in the industry and
academics in software development and R&D in bioinformatics. His research
focuses SNP genotype calling and cluster detection; image processing and
pattern recognition, especially in microarray and fingerprint; geotagged
images and location information reconstruction; database application
development; data processing automation; E-learning, educational
multimedia, methodology, and online tools for secondary schools and
colleges. Dr. Huang has more than 40 publications in journals and
conferences and more than 20 presentations in workshops and invited
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2019