Phinx Documentation
Release 0.8.1
Rob Morgan
Feb 20, 2019
1 Contents 3
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Writing Migrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Database Seeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.6 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.7 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.8 Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2 Indices and tables 39
Phinx Documentation, Release 0.8.1
Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app. In less than 5 minutes, you can
install Phinx using Composer and create your first database migration. Phinx is just about migrations without all the
bloat of a database ORM system or application framework.
Contents 1
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2 Contents
1.1 Introduction
Good developers always version their code using a SCM system, so why don’t they do the same for their database
Phinx allows developers to alter and manipulate databases in a clear and concise way. It avoids the use of writing
SQL by hand and instead offers a powerful API for creating migrations using PHP code. Developers can then version
these migrations using their preferred SCM system. This makes Phinx migrations portable between different database
systems. Phinx keeps track of which migrations have been run, so you can worry less about the state of your database
and instead focus on building better software.
1.2 Goals
Phinx was developed with the following goals in mind:
Be portable amongst the most popular database vendors.
Be PHP framework independent.
Have a simple install process.
Have an easy to use command-line operation.
Integrate with various other PHP tools (Phing, PHPUnit) and web frameworks.
1.3 Installation
Phinx should be installed using Composer, which is a tool for dependency management in PHP. Please visit the
Composer website for more information.
Phinx Documentation, Release 0.8.1
Note: Phinx requires at least PHP 5.4 (or later).
To install Phinx, simply require it using Composer:
php composer.phar require robmorgan/phinx
Create folders in your project following the structure db/migrations with adequate permissions. It is where your
migration files will live and should be writable.
Phinx can now be executed from within your project:
vendor/bin/phinx init
1.4 Writing Migrations
Phinx relies on migrations in order to transform your database. Each migration is represented by a PHP class in a
unique file. It is preferred that you write your migrations using the Phinx PHP API, but raw SQL is also supported.
1.4.1 Creating a New Migration
Generating a skeleton migration file
Let’s start by creating a new Phinx migration. Run Phinx using the create command:
$ php vendor/bin/phinx create MyNewMigration
This will create a new migration in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_my_new_migration.php, where the first 14
characters are replaced with the current timestamp down to the second.
If you have specified multiple migration paths, you will be asked to select which path to create the new migration in.
Phinx automatically creates a skeleton migration file with a single method:
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Change Method.
Write your reversible migrations using this method.
More information on writing migrations is available here:
The following commands can be used in this method and Phinx will
automatically reverse them when rolling back:
(continues on next page)
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(continued from previous page)
Remember to call "create()" or "update()" and NOT "save()" when working
with the Table class.
public function change()
All Phinx migrations extend from the AbstractMigration class. This class provides the necessary support to
create your database migrations. Database migrations can transform your database in many ways, such as creating
new tables, inserting rows, adding indexes and modifying columns.
The Change Method
Phinx 0.2.0 introduced a new feature called reversible migrations. This feature has now become the default migration
method. With reversible migrations, you only need to define the up logic, and Phinx can figure out how to migrate
down automatically for you. For example:
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class CreateUserLoginsTable extends AbstractMigration
Change Method.
More information on this method is available here:
Uncomment this method if you would like to use it.
public function change()
// create the table
$table = $this->table('user_logins');
$table->addColumn('user_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('created', 'datetime')
Migrate Up.
public function up()
(continues on next page)
1.4. Writing Migrations 5
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(continued from previous page)
Migrate Down.
public function down()
When executing this migration, Phinx will create the user_logins table on the way up and automatically figure out
how to drop the table on the way down. Please be aware that when a change method exists, Phinx will automatically
ignore the up and down methods. If you need to use these methods it is recommended to create a separate migration
Note: When creating or updating tables inside a change() method you must use the Table create() and
update() methods. Phinx cannot automatically determine whether a save() call is creating a new table or modi-
fying an existing one.
Phinx can only reverse the following commands:
If a command cannot be reversed then Phinx will throw a IrreversibleMigrationException exception when
it’s migrating down.
The Up Method
The up method is automatically run by Phinx when you are migrating up and it detects the given migration hasn’t been
executed previously. You should use the up method to transform the database with your intended changes.
The Down Method
The down method is automatically run by Phinx when you are migrating down and it detects the given migration has
been executed in the past. You should use the down method to reverse/undo the transformations described in the up
1.4.2 Executing Queries
Queries can be executed with the execute() and query() methods. The execute() method returns the number
of affected rows whereas the query() method returns the result as a PDOStatement
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
(continues on next page)
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(continued from previous page)
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
// execute()
$count = $this->execute('DELETE FROM users'); // returns the number of
˓affected rows
// query()
$rows = $this->query('SELECT
FROM users'); // returns the result as an array
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Note: These commands run using the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension which defines a lightweight, consistent in-
terface for accessing databases in PHP. Always make sure your queries abide with PDOs before using the execute()
command. This is especially important when using DELIMITERs during insertion of stored procedures or triggers
which don’t support DELIMITERs.
Warning: When using execute() or query() with a batch of queries, PDO doesn’t throw an exception if
there is an issue with one or more of the queries in the batch.
As such, the entire batch is assumed to have passed without issue.
If Phinx was to iterate any potential result sets, looking to see if one had an error, then Phinx would be deny-
ing access to all the results as there is no facility in PDO to get a previous result set nextRowset() - but no
So, as a consequence, due to the design decision in PDO to not throw an exception for batched queries, Phinx is
unable to provide the fullest support for error handling when batches of queries are supplied.
Fortunately though, all the features of PDO are available, so multiple batches can be controlled within the migration
by calling upon nextRowset() and examining errorInfo.
1.4.3 Fetching Rows
There are two methods available to fetch rows. The fetchRow() method will fetch a single row, whilst the
fetchAll() method will return multiple rows. Both methods accept raw SQL as their only parameter.
(continues on next page)
1.4. Writing Migrations 7
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(continued from previous page)
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
// fetch a user
$row = $this->fetchRow('SELECT
FROM users');
// fetch an array of messages
$rows = $this->fetchAll('SELECT
FROM messages');
Migrate Down.
public function down()
1.4.4 Inserting Data
Phinx makes it easy to insert data into your tables. Whilst this feature is intended for the seed feature, you are also
free to use the insert methods in your migrations.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class NewStatus extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
// inserting only one row
$singleRow = [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'In Progress'
$table = $this->table('status');
// inserting multiple rows
$rows = [
'id' => 2,
(continues on next page)
8 Chapter 1. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
'name' => 'Stopped'
'id' => 3,
'name' => 'Queued'
// this is a handy shortcut
$this->insert('status', $rows);
Migrate Down.
public function down()
$this->execute('DELETE FROM status');
Note: You cannot use the insert methods inside a change() method. Please use the up() and down() methods.
1.4.5 Working With Tables
The Table Object
The Table object is one of the most useful APIs provided by Phinx. It allows you to easily manipulate database tables
using PHP code. You can retrieve an instance of the Table object by calling the table() method from within your
database migration.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('tableName');
Migrate Down.
public function down()
1.4. Writing Migrations 9
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You can then manipulate this table using the methods provided by the Table object.
The Save Method
When working with the Table object, Phinx stores certain operations in a pending changes cache.
When in doubt, it is recommended you call this method. It will commit any pending changes to the database.
Creating a Table
Creating a table is really easy using the Table object. Let’s create a table to store a collection of users.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$users = $this->table('users');
$users->addColumn('username', 'string', array('limit' => 20))
->addColumn('password', 'string', array('limit' => 40))
->addColumn('password_salt', 'string', array('limit' => 40))
->addColumn('email', 'string', array('limit' => 100))
->addColumn('first_name', 'string', array('limit' => 30))
->addColumn('last_name', 'string', array('limit' => 30))
->addColumn('created', 'datetime')
->addColumn('updated', 'datetime', array('null' => true))
->addIndex(array('username', 'email'), array('unique' => true))
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Columns are added using the addColumn() method. We create a unique index for both the username and email
columns using the addIndex() method. Finally calling save() commits the changes to the database.
Note: Phinx automatically creates an auto-incrementing primary key column called id for every table.
The id option sets the name of the automatically created identity field, while the primary_key option selects the
field or fields used for primary key. The primary_key option always defaults to the value of id. Both can be
disabled by setting them to false.
To specify an alternate primary key, you can specify the primary_key option when accessing the Table object.
Let’s disable the automatic id column and create a primary key using two columns instead:
10 Chapter 1. Contents
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use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('followers', array('id' => false, 'primary_key' =>
˓array('user_id', 'follower_id')));
$table->addColumn('user_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('follower_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('created', 'datetime')
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Setting a single primary_key doesn’t enable the AUTO_INCREMENT option. To simply change the name of the
primary key, we need to override the default id field name:
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('followers', array('id' => 'user_id'));
$table->addColumn('follower_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('created', 'timestamp', array('default' => 'CURRENT_
Migrate Down.
public function down()
1.4. Writing Migrations 11
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In addition, the MySQL adapter supports following options:
Option Description
comment set a text comment on the table
engine define table engine (defaults to ‘‘InnoDB‘‘)
collation define table collation (defaults to ‘‘utf8_general_ci‘‘)
signed whether the primary key is signed
By default the primary key is signed. To simply set it to unsigned just pass signed option with a false value:
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('followers', array('signed' => false));
$table->addColumn('follower_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('created', 'timestamp', array('default' => 'CURRENT_
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Valid Column Types
Column types are specified as strings and can be one of:
12 Chapter 1. Contents
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In addition, the MySQL adapter supports enum, set, blob and json column types. (json in MySQL 5.7 and
In addition, the Postgres adapter supports smallint, json, jsonb and uuid column types (PostgreSQL 9.3 and
For valid options, see the Valid Column Options below.
Determining Whether a Table Exists
You can determine whether or not a table exists by using the hasTable() method.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$exists = $this->hasTable('users');
if ($exists) {
// do something
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Dropping a Table
Tables can be dropped quite easily using the dropTable() method. It is a good idea to recreate the table again in
the down() method.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
(continues on next page)
1.4. Writing Migrations 13
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(continued from previous page)
public function up()
Migrate Down.
public function down()
$users = $this->table('users');
$users->addColumn('username', 'string', array('limit' => 20))
->addColumn('password', 'string', array('limit' => 40))
->addColumn('password_salt', 'string', array('limit' => 40))
->addColumn('email', 'string', array('limit' => 100))
->addColumn('first_name', 'string', array('limit' => 30))
->addColumn('last_name', 'string', array('limit' => 30))
->addColumn('created', 'datetime')
->addColumn('updated', 'datetime', array('null' => true))
->addIndex(array('username', 'email'), array('unique' => true))
Renaming a Table
To rename a table access an instance of the Table object then call the rename() method.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('users');
Migrate Down.
public function down()
$table = $this->table('legacy_users');
14 Chapter 1. Contents
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1.4.6 Working With Columns
Valid Column Types
Column types are specified as strings and can be one of:
In addition, the MySQL adapter supports enum, set and blob column types.
In addition, the Postgres adapter supports smallint, json, jsonb and uuid column types (PostgreSQL 9.3 and
Valid Column Options
The following are valid column options:
For any column type:
Option Description
limit set maximum length for strings, also hints column types in adapters (see note below)
length alias for limit
default set default value or action
null allow NULL values (should not be used with primary keys!)
after specify the column that a new column should be placed after
comment set a text comment on the column
For decimal columns:
Option Description
precision combine with scale set to set decimal accuracy
scale combine with precision to set decimal accuracy
signed enable or disable the unsigned option (only applies to MySQL)
1.4. Writing Migrations 15
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For enum and set columns:
Option Description
values Can be a comma separated list or an array of values
For integer and biginteger columns:
Option Description
identity enable or disable automatic incrementing
signed enable or disable the unsigned option (only applies to MySQL)
For timestamp columns:
Option Description
default set default value (use with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
update set an action to be triggered when the row is updated (use with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
enable or disable the with time zone option for time and timestamp columns (only applies to
You can add created_at and updated_at timestamps to a table using the addTimestamps() method. This
method also allows you to supply alternative names.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Change.
public function change()
// Override the 'updated_at' column name with 'amended_at'.
$table = $this->table('users')->addTimestamps(null, 'amended_at')->create();
For boolean columns:
Option Description
signed enable or disable the unsigned option (only applies to MySQL)
For string and text columns:
Option Description
collation set collation that differs from table defaults (only applies to MySQL)
encoding set character set that differs from table defaults (only applies to MySQL)
For foreign key definitions:
16 Chapter 1. Contents
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Option Description
update set an action to be triggered when the row is updated
delete set an action to be triggered when the row is deleted
You can pass one or more of these options to any column with the optional third argument array.
Limit Option and PostgreSQL
When using the PostgreSQL adapter, additional hinting of database column type can be made for integer columns.
Using limit with one the following options will modify the column type accordingly:
Limit Column Type
use Phinx\Db\Adapter\PostgresAdapter;
$table = $this->table('cart_items');
$table->addColumn('user_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('subtype_id', 'integer', array('limit' => PostgresAdapter::INT_
Limit Option and MySQL
When using the MySQL adapter, additional hinting of database column type can be made for integer, text and
blob columns. Using limit with one the following options will modify the column type accordingly:
Limit Column Type
use Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter;
$table = $this->table('cart_items');
(continues on next page)
1.4. Writing Migrations 17
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(continued from previous page)
$table->addColumn('user_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('product_id', 'integer', array('limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_BIG))
->addColumn('subtype_id', 'integer', array('limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_SMALL))
->addColumn('quantity', 'integer', array('limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY))
Get a column list
To retrieve all table columns, simply create a table object and call getColumns() method. This method will return an
array of Column classes with basic info. Example below:
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class ColumnListMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$columns = $this->table('users')->getColumns();
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Checking whether a column exists
You can check if a table already has a certain column by using the hasColumn() method.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Change Method.
public function change()
$table = $this->table('user');
$column = $table->hasColumn('username');
(continues on next page)
18 Chapter 1. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
if ($column) {
// do something
Renaming a Column
To rename a column, access an instance of the Table object then call the renameColumn() method.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('users');
$table->renameColumn('bio', 'biography');
Migrate Down.
public function down()
$table = $this->table('users');
$table->renameColumn('biography', 'bio');
Adding a Column After Another Column
When adding a column you can dictate its position using the after option.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Change Method.
public function change()
$table = $this->table('users');
$table->addColumn('city', 'string', array('after' => 'email'))
(continues on next page)
1.4. Writing Migrations 19
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(continued from previous page)
Dropping a Column
To drop a column, use the removeColumn() method.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('users');
Specifying a Column Limit
You can limit the maximum length of a column by using the limit option.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Change Method.
public function change()
$table = $this->table('tags');
$table->addColumn('short_name', 'string', array('limit' => 30))
Changing Column Attributes
To change column type or options on an existing column, use the changeColumn() method. See ‘Valid Column
Types‘_ and Valid Column Options for allowed values.
(continues on next page)
20 Chapter 1. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$users = $this->table('users');
$users->changeColumn('email', 'string', array('limit' => 255))
Migrate Down.
public function down()
1.4.7 Working With Indexes
To add an index to a table you can simply call the addIndex() method on the table object.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('users');
$table->addColumn('city', 'string')
Migrate Down.
public function down()
By default Phinx instructs the database adapter to create a normal index. We can pass an additional parameter unique
to the addIndex() method to specify a unique index. We can also explicitly specify a name for the index using the
name parameter.
1.4. Writing Migrations 21
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use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('users');
$table->addColumn('email', 'string')
->addIndex(array('email'), array('unique' => true, 'name' => 'idx_users_
Migrate Down.
public function down()
The MySQL adapter also supports fulltext indexes. If you are using a version before 5.6 you must ensure the
table uses the MyISAM engine.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
public function change()
$table = $this->table('users', ['engine' => 'MyISAM']);
$table->addColumn('email', 'string')
->addIndex('email', ['type' => 'fulltext'])
Removing indexes is as easy as calling the removeIndex() method. You must call this method for each index.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
(continues on next page)
22 Chapter 1. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
$table = $this->table('users');
// alternatively, you can delete an index by its name, ie:
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Note: There is no need to call the save() method when using removeIndex(). The index will be removed
1.4.8 Working With Foreign Keys
Phinx has support for creating foreign key constraints on your database tables. Let’s add a foreign key to an example
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('tags');
$table->addColumn('tag_name', 'string')
$refTable = $this->table('tag_relationships');
$refTable->addColumn('tag_id', 'integer')
->addForeignKey('tag_id', 'tags', 'id', array('delete'=> 'SET_NULL',
˓'update'=> 'NO_ACTION'))
Migrate Down.
public function down()
(continues on next page)
1.4. Writing Migrations 23
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(continued from previous page)
“On delete” and “On update” actions are defined with a ‘delete’ and ‘update’ options array. Possibles values are
‘SET_NULL’, ‘NO_ACTION’, ‘CASCADE’ and ‘RESTRICT’. Constraint name can be changed with the ‘constraint’
It is also possible to pass addForeignKey() an array of columns. This allows us to establish a foreign key
relationship to a table which uses a combined key.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('follower_events');
$table->addColumn('user_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('follower_id', 'integer')
->addColumn('event_id', 'integer')
->addForeignKey(array('user_id', 'follower_id'),
array('user_id', 'follower_id'),
array('delete'=> 'NO_ACTION', 'update'=> 'NO_ACTION',
˓'constraint' => 'user_follower_id'))
Migrate Down.
public function down()
We can add named foreign keys using the constraint parameter. This feature is supported as of Phinx version
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
(continues on next page)
24 Chapter 1. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
$table = $this->table('your_table');
$table->addForeignKey('foreign_id', 'reference_table', array('id'),
Migrate Down.
public function down()
We can also easily check if a foreign key exists:
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
$table = $this->table('tag_relationships');
$exists = $table->hasForeignKey('tag_id');
if ($exists) {
// do something
Migrate Down.
public function down()
Finally, to delete a foreign key, use the dropForeignKey method.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration
Migrate Up.
public function up()
(continues on next page)
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(continued from previous page)
$table = $this->table('tag_relationships');
Migrate Down.
public function down()
1.5 Database Seeding
In version 0.5.0 Phinx introduced support for seeding your database with test data. Seed classes are a great way to
easily fill your database with data after it’s created. By default they are stored in the seeds directory; however, this
path can be changed in your configuration file.
Note: Database seeding is entirely optional, and Phinx does not create a seeds directory by default.
1.5.1 Creating a New Seed Class
Phinx includes a command to easily generate a new seed class:
$ php vendor/bin/phinx seed:create UserSeeder
If you have specified multiple seed paths, you will be asked to select which path to create the new seed class in.
It is based on a skeleton template:
use Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed;
class MyNewSeeder extends AbstractSeed
Run Method.
Write your database seeder using this method.
More information on writing seeders is available here:
public function run()
26 Chapter 1. Contents
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1.5.2 The AbstractSeed Class
All Phinx seeds extend from the AbstractSeed class. This class provides the necessary support to create your seed
classes. Seed classes are primarily used to insert test data.
The Run Method
The run method is automatically invoked by Phinx when you execute the seed:run command. You should use this
method to insert your test data.
Note: Unlike with migrations, Phinx does not keep track of which seed classes have been run. This means database
seeders can be run repeatedly. Keep this in mind when developing them.
1.5.3 Inserting Data
Using The Table Object
Seed classes can also use the familiar Table object to insert data. You can retrieve an instance of the Table object by
calling the table() method from within your seed class and then use the insert() method to insert data:
use Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed;
class PostsSeeder extends AbstractSeed
public function run()
$data = array(
'body' => 'foo',
'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'body' => 'bar',
'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$posts = $this->table('posts');
Note: You must call the save() method to commit your data to the table. Phinx will buffer data until you do so.
Integrating with the Faker library
It’s trivial to use the awesome Faker library in your seed classes. Simply install it using Composer:
1.5. Database Seeding 27
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$ composer require fzaninotto/faker
Then use it in your seed classes:
use Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed;
class UserSeeder extends AbstractSeed
public function run()
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$data = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
$data[] = [
'username' => $faker->userName,
'password' => sha1($faker->password),
'password_salt' => sha1('foo'),
'email' => $faker->email,
'first_name' => $faker->firstName,
'last_name' => $faker->lastName,
'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$this->insert('users', $data);
1.5.4 Truncating Tables
In addition to inserting data Phinx makes it trivial to empty your tables using the SQL TRUNCATE command:
use Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed;
class UserSeeder extends AbstractSeed
public function run()
$data = [
'body' => 'foo',
'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'body' => 'bar',
'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$posts = $this->table('posts');
(continues on next page)
28 Chapter 1. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
// empty the table
Note: SQLite doesn’t natively support the TRUNCATE command so behind the scenes DELETE FROM is used. It is
recommended to call the VACUUM command after truncating a table. Phinx does not do this automatically.
1.5.5 Executing Seed Classes
This is the easy part. To seed your database, simply use the seed:run command:
$ php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run
By default, Phinx will execute all available seed classes. If you would like to run a specific class, simply pass in the
name of it using the -s parameter:
$ php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run -s UserSeeder
You can also run multiple seeders:
$ php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run -s UserSeeder -s PermissionSeeder -s LogSeeder
You can also use the -v parameter for more output verbosity:
$ php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run -v
The Phinx seed functionality provides a simple mechanism to easily and repeatably insert test data into your database.
1.6 Commands
Phinx is run using a number of commands.
1.6.1 The Breakpoint Command
The Breakpoint command is used to set breakpoints, allowing you to limit rollbacks. You can toggle the breakpoint of
the most recent migration by not supplying any parameters.
$ phinx breakpoint -e development
To toggle a breakpoint on a specific version then use the --target parameter or -t for short.
$ phinx breakpoint -e development -t 20120103083322
You can remove all the breakpoints by using the --remove-all parameter or -r for short.
$ phinx breakpoint -e development -r
Breakpoints are visible when you run the status command.
1.6. Commands 29
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1.6.2 The Create Command
The Create command is used to create a new migration file. It requires one argument: the name of the migration. The
migration name should be specified in CamelCase format.
$ phinx create MyNewMigration
Open the new migration file in your text editor to add your database transformations. Phinx creates migration files
using the path specified in your phinx.yml file. Please see the Configuration chapter for more information.
You are able to override the template file used by Phinx by supplying an alternative template filename.
$ phinx create MyNewMigration --template="<file>"
You can also supply a template generating class. This class must implement the interface
$ phinx create MyNewMigration --class="<class>"
In addition to providing the template for the migration, the class can also define a callback that will be called once the
migration file has been generated from the template.
You cannot use --template and --class together.
1.6.3 The Init Command
The Init command (short for initialize) is used to prepare your project for Phinx. This command generates the phinx.
yml file in the root of your project directory.
$ cd yourapp
$ phinx init .
Open this file in your text editor to setup your project configuration. Please see the Configuration chapter for more
1.6.4 The Migrate Command
The Migrate command runs all of the available migrations, optionally up to a specific version.
$ phinx migrate -e development
To migrate to a specific version then use the --target parameter or -t for short.
$ phinx migrate -e development -t 20110103081132
1.6.5 The Rollback Command
The Rollback command is used to undo previous migrations executed by Phinx. It is the opposite of the Migrate
You can rollback to the previous migration by using the rollback command with no arguments.
$ phinx rollback -e development
30 Chapter 1. Contents
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To rollback all migrations to a specific version then use the --target parameter or -t for short.
$ phinx rollback -e development -t 20120103083322
Specifying 0 as the target version will revert all migrations.
$ phinx rollback -e development -t 0
To rollback all migrations to a specific date then use the --date parameter or -d for short.
$ phinx rollback -e development -d 2012
$ phinx rollback -e development -d 201201
$ phinx rollback -e development -d 20120103
$ phinx rollback -e development -d 2012010312
$ phinx rollback -e development -d 201201031205
$ phinx rollback -e development -d 20120103120530
If a breakpoint is set, blocking further rollbacks, you can override the breakpoint using the --force parameter or -f
for short.
$ phinx rollback -e development -t 0 -f
Note: When rolling back, Phinx orders the executed migrations using the order specified in the version_order
option of your phinx.yml file. Please see the Configuration chapter for more information.
1.6.6 The Status Command
The Status command prints a list of all migrations, along with their current status. You can use this command to
determine which migrations have been run.
$ phinx status -e development
This command exits with code 0 if the database is up-to-date (ie. all migrations are up) or one of the following codes
1: There is at least one down migration.
2: There is at least one missing migration.
1.6.7 The Seed Create Command
The Seed Create command can be used to create new database seed classes. It requires one argument, the name of the
class. The class name should be specified in CamelCase format.
$ phinx seed:create MyNewSeeder
Open the new seed file in your text editor to add your database seed commands. Phinx creates seed files using the path
specified in your phinx.yml file. Please see the Configuration chapter for more information.
1.6.8 The Seed Run Command
The Seed Run command runs all of the available seed classes or optionally just one.
1.6. Commands 31
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$ phinx seed:run -e development
To run only one seed class use the --seed parameter or -s for short.
$ phinx seed:run -e development -s MyNewSeeder
1.6.9 Configuration File Parameter
When running Phinx from the command line, you may specify a configuration file using the --configuration or
-c parameter. In addition to YAML, the configuration file may be the computed output of a PHP file as a PHP array:
return array(
"paths" => array(
"migrations" => "application/migrations"
"environments" => array(
"default_migration_table" => "phinxlog",
"default_database" => "dev",
"dev" => array(
"adapter" => "mysql",
"host" => $_ENV['DB_HOST'],
"name" => $_ENV['DB_NAME'],
"user" => $_ENV['DB_USER'],
"pass" => $_ENV['DB_PASS'],
"port" => $_ENV['DB_PORT']
Phinx auto-detects which language parser to use for files with
.yml and
.php extensions. The appropriate parser
may also be specified via the --parser and -p parameters. Anything other than "php" is treated as YAML.
When using a PHP array, you can provide a connection key with an existing PDO instance. It is also important to
pass the database name too, as Phinx requires this for certain methods such as hasTable():
return array(
"paths" => array(
"migrations" => "application/migrations"
"environments" => array(
"default_migration_table" => "phinxlog",
"default_database" => "dev",
"dev" => array(
"name" => "dev_db",
"connection" => $pdo_instance
1.6.10 Running Phinx in a Web App
Phinx can also be run inside of a web application by using the Phinx\Wrapper\TextWrapper class. An example
of this is provided in app/web.php, which can be run as a standalone server:
32 Chapter 1. Contents
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$ php -S localhost:8000 vendor/robmorgan/phinx/app/web.php
This will create local web server at http://localhost:8000 which will show current migration status by default. To run
migrations up, use http://localhost:8000/migrate and to rollback use http://localhost:8000/rollback.
The included web app is only an example and should not be used in production!
Note: To modify configuration variables at runtime and override %%PHINX_DBNAME%% or other another dynamic
option, set $_SERVER['PHINX_DBNAME'] before running commands. Available options are documented in the
Configuration page.
1.7 Configuration
When you initialize your project using the Init Command, Phinx creates a default file called phinx.yml in the root
of your project directory. This file uses the YAML data serialization format.
If a --configuration command line option is given, Phinx will load the specified file. Otherwise, it will attempt
to find phinx.php, phinx.json or phinx.yml and load the first file found. See the Commands chapter for
more information.
Warning: Remember to store the configuration file outside of a publicly accessible directory on your webserver.
This file contains your database credentials and may be accidentally served as plain text.
Note that while JSON and YAML files are parsed, the PHP file is included. This means that:
It must return an array of configuration items.
The variable scope is local, i.e. you would need to explicitly declare any global variables your initialization file
reads or modifies.
Its standard output is suppressed.
Unlike with JSON and YAML, it is possible to omit environment connection details and instead specify
connection which must contain an initialized PDO instance. This is useful when you want your migra-
tions to interact with your application and/or share the same connection. However remember to also pass the
database name as Phinx cannot infer this from the PDO connection.
require 'app/init.php';
global $app;
$pdo = $app->getDatabase()->getPdo();
return array('environments' =>
'default_database' => 'development',
'development' => array(
'name' => 'devdb',
'connection' => $pdo
1.7. Configuration 33
Phinx Documentation, Release 0.8.1
1.7.1 Migration Paths
The first option specifies the path to your migration directory. Phinx uses %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/db/
migrations by default.
Note: %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%% is a special token and is automatically replaced with the root directory where
your phinx.yml file is stored.
In order to overwrite the default %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/db/migrations, you need to add the following to
the yaml configuration.
migrations: /your/full/path
You can also provide multiple migration paths by using an array in your configuration:
- application/module1/migrations
- application/module2/migrations
You can also use the %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%% token in your path.
migrations: %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/your/relative/path
Migrations are captured with glob, so you can define a pattern for multiple directories.
migrations: %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/module/
1.7.2 Custom Migration Base
By default all migrations will extend from Phinx’s AbstractMigration class. This can be set to a custom class that
extends from AbstractMigration by setting migration_base_class in your config:
migration_base_class: MyMagicalMigration
1.7.3 Seed Paths
The second option specifies the path to your seed directory. Phinx uses %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/db/seeds by
Note: %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%% is a special token and is automatically replaced with the root directory where
your phinx.yml file is stored.
In order to overwrite the default %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/db/seeds, you need to add the following to the yaml
seeds: /your/full/path
34 Chapter 1. Contents
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You can also provide multiple seed paths by using an array in your configuration:
- /your/full/path1
- /your/full/path2
You can also use the %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%% token in your path.
seeds: %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/your/relative/path
1.7.4 Environments
One of the key features of Phinx is support for multiple database environments. You can use Phinx to create migrations
on your development environment, then run the same migrations on your production environment. Environments are
specified under the environments nested collection. For example:
default_migration_table: phinxlog
default_database: development
adapter: mysql
host: localhost
name: production_db
user: root
pass: ''
port: 3306
charset: utf8
collation: utf8_unicode_ci
would define a new environment called production.
In a situation when multiple developers work on the same project and each has a different environment
(e.g. a convention such as <environment type>-<developer name>-<machine name>), or when
you need to have separate environments for separate purposes (branches, testing, etc) use environment variable
PHINX_ENVIRONMENT to override the default environment in the yaml file:
export PHINX_ENVIRONMENT=dev-`whoami`-`hostname`
1.7.5 Table Prefix and Suffix
You can define a table prefix and table suffix:
table_prefix: dev_
table_suffix: _v1
table_prefix: test_
table_suffix: _v2
1.7. Configuration 35
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1.7.6 Socket Connections
When using the MySQL adapter, it is also possible to use sockets instead of network connections. The socket path is
configured with unix_socket:
default_migration_table: phinxlog
default_database: development
adapter: mysql
name: production_db
user: root
pass: ''
unix_socket: /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
charset: utf8
1.7.7 External Variables
Phinx will automatically grab any environment variable prefixed with PHINX_ and make it available as a token in the
config file. The token will have exactly the same name as the variable but you must access it by wrapping two %%
symbols on either side. e.g: %%PHINX_DBUSER%%. This is especially useful if you wish to store your secret database
credentials directly on the server and not in a version control system. This feature can be easily demonstrated by the
following example:
default_migration_table: phinxlog
default_database: development
adapter: mysql
host: %%PHINX_DBHOST%%
name: %%PHINX_DBNAME%%
user: %%PHINX_DBUSER%%
pass: %%PHINX_DBPASS%%
port: 3306
charset: utf8
1.7.8 Supported Adapters
Phinx currently supports the following database adapters natively:
MySQL: specify the mysql adapter.
PostgreSQL: specify the pgsql adapter.
SQLite: specify the sqlite adapter.
SQL Server: specify the sqlsrv adapter.
Declaring an SQLite database uses a simplified structure:
36 Chapter 1. Contents
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adapter: sqlite
name: ./data/derby
adapter: sqlite
memory: true # Setting memory to
value overrides name
SQL Server
When using the sqlsrv adapter and connecting to a named instance you should omit the port setting as SQL Server
will negotiate the port automatically. Additionally, omit the charset: utf8 or change to charset: 65001
which corresponds to UTF8 for SQL Server.
Custom Adapters
You can provide a custom adapter by registering an implementation of the Phinx\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface with
$name = 'fizz';
$class = 'Acme\Adapter\FizzAdapter';
AdapterFactory::instance()->registerAdapter($name, $class);
Adapters can be registered any time before $app->run() is called, which normally called by bin/phinx.
1.7.9 Aliases
Template creation class names can be aliased and used with the --class command line option for the Create Com-
The aliased classes will still be required to implement the Phinx\Migration\CreationInterface interface.
permission: \Namespace\Migrations\PermissionMigrationTemplateGenerator
view: \Namespace\Migrations\ViewMigrationTemplateGenerator
1.7.10 Version Order
When rolling back or printing the status of migrations, Phinx orders the executed migrations according to the
version_order option, which can have the following values:
creation (the default): migrations are ordered by their creation time, which is also part of their filename.
execution: migrations are ordered by their execution time, also known as start time.
1.8 Copyright
(The MIT license)
1.8. Copyright 37
Phinx Documentation, Release 0.8.1
Copyright (c) 2012 Rob Morgan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documen-
tation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
38 Chapter 1. Contents
Indices and tables
Phinx Documentation, Release 0.8.1
40 Chapter 2. Indices and tables
Commands, 29
Configuration, 33
Copyright, 37
Database Seeding, 26
Goals, 3
Installation, 3
Introduction, 3
Writing Migrations, 4