Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Fe de ral De posit Insurance Corporation
National Credit Union Administration
Office of the Comptrolle r of the Currency
Consumer Financial Prote ction Bureau
April 7, 2020
Interage ncy Stateme nt on Loan Modifications and Re porting for Financial Institutions
Working with Customers Affecte d by the Coronavirus (Revised)
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
(hereafter, the agencies), in consultation with the state financ ial regulators,
are issuing this
revised interagency statement to provide additional information to financ ial institutions that are
working with borrowers affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (also referred to as COVID-
19). The United States has been operating under a presidentially declared emergency since
March 13, 2020 (National Emergency).
The agencies understand that this unique and evolving
situation could pose temporary business disruptions and challenges that affect banks, credit
unions, businesses, borrowers, and the economy.
On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was
signed into law.
As discussed in more detail below, the CARES Act creates a forbearance
program for federally backed mortgage loans, protects borrowers from negative credit reporting
due to loan accommodations related to the National Emergency, and provides financial
institutions the option to temporarily suspend certain requirements under U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) related to troubled debt restructurings (TDR) for a limited period
of time to account for the effects of COVID-19.
The agencies originally issued a statement on March 22, 2020, to encourage financial institutions
to work prudently with borrowers and to describe the agenciesinterpretation of how current
accounting rules under U.S. GAAP apply to certain COVID-19-related modifications. This
revised interagency statement clarifies the interaction between the March 22, 2020, interagency
statement and section 4013 of the CARES Act, Temporary Relief from Troubled Debt
Restructurings (section 4013), as well as the agencies views on consumer protection
considerations. The agencies will continue to communicate with the industry as this situation
unfolds, including through additional statements, webinars, frequently asked questions, and other
means, as appropriate.
The state financial regulators include representatives from the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, the American
Council of State Savings Supervisors, and the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors.
50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Pub. L. No. 116-136, 134 Stat. 281 (Mar. 27, 2020).
Id. at § 4013.
Working with Customers: Gene ral Safe ty and Soundne ss Considerations
The agencies encourage financial institutions to work prudently with borrowers who are or may
be unable to meet their contractual payment obligations because of the effects of COVID-19.
The agencies view loan modification programs as positive actions that can mitigate adverse
effects on borrowers due to COVID-19. The age ncie s will not criticize institutions for working
with borrowers in a safe and sound manner. As described below, institutions generally do not
need to categorize COVID-19-related modifications as TDRs, and the agencies will not direct
supervised institutions to automatically cate gorize a ll COVID-19 related loan modifications as
The agencies will not criticize fina ncia l institutio ns that mitigate credit risk through prudent
actions consistent with safe and sound practices. The agencies consider such proactive measures
to be in the best interest of institutio ns, their borrowers, and the economy. This approach is
consistent with the agencieslongstanding practice of encouraging financial institutions to assist
borrowers in times of natural disaster and other extreme events although the agencies recognize
that the effects of this event are particularly extreme and broad-based. The agencies also will not
criticize institutions that work with borrowers as part of a risk mitigation strategy intended to
improve an existing non-pass loan.
Financial institutions have broad discretion to implement prudent modification programs
consistent with the framework included in this statement.
Accounting and Re porting Cons ide rations
As provided for under the CARES Act, a financial institution may account for an eligible loan
modification either under section 4013 or in accordance with ASC Subtopic 310-40.
If a loan
modification is not eligible under section 4013, or if the institution elects not to account for the
loan modification under section 4013, the financial institution should evaluate whether the
modified loan is a TDR.
Accounting for Loan Modifications under Section 4013
To be an eligible loan under section 4013 (section 4013 loan), a loan modification must be (1)
related to COVID-19; (2) executed on a loan that was not more than 30 days past due as of
December 31, 2019; and (3) executed between March 1, 2020, and the earlier of (A) 60 days
after the date of termination of the National Emergency or (B) December 31, 2020 (applicable
Financial institutions accounting for eligible loans under section 4013 are not required to apply
ASC Subtopic 310-40 to the section 4013 loans for the term of the loan modification.
Financial institutions do not have to report section 4013 loans as TDRs in regulatory reports.
However, consistent with section 4013, financial institutions should maintain records of the
ASC Subtopic 310-40, ReceivablesTroubled Debt Restructurings by Creditors (ASC Subtopic 310-40).
For banks and savings associations, the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) Schedule
RC-C, Part I, Memoranda item 1; Schedule RC-N, Memoranda item 1; and Schedule RC-O, Memoranda item 16,
the Consolidated Statements for Holding Companies (FR Y-9C) Schedule HC-C, Part I, Memoranda item 1; and
volume of section 4013 loans. Data about section 4013 loans may be collected for supervisory
purposes. Institutions do not need to determine impairment associated with certain loan
concessions that would otherwise have been required for TDRs (e.g., interest rate concessions,
payment deferrals, or loan extensions). For the most recent information on reporting
requirements for section 4013 loans, refer to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council Instructions.
Accounting for other Loan Modifications Not under Section 4013
There are circumstances in which a loan modification may not be eligible under Section 4013 or
in which an institution elects not to apply Section 4013. For example, a loan that is modified
after the end of the applicable period would not be eligible under Section 4013. For such loans,
the guidance below applies.
Modifications of loan terms do not automatically result in TDRs. According to ASC Subtopic
310-40, a restructuring of a debt constitutes a TDR if the creditor, for economic or legal reasons
related to the debtors financial difficulties, grants a concession to the debtor that it would not
otherwise consider.
The agencies have confirmed with staff of the Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB)
that short-term modifications made on a good faith basis in response
to COVID-19 to borrowers who were current prior to any relief are not TDRs under ASC
Subtopic 310-40. This includes short-term (e.g., six months) modifications such as payment
deferrals, fee waivers, extensions of repayment terms, or delays in payment that are
insignif ic ant.
Borrowers considered current are those that are less than 30 days past due on
their contractual payments at the time a modification program is implemented.
Accordingly, working with borrowers who are current on existing loans, either individua lly or as
part of a program for creditworthy borrowers who are experiencing short-term financial or
operational problems as a result of COVID-19 generally would not be considered TDRs. More
specifica lly, financial institutions may presume that borrowers are not experiencing financial
difficulties at the time of the modification for purposes of determining TDR status, and thus no
further TDR analysis is required for each loan modification in the program, if:
The modification is in response to the National Emergency;
Schedule HC-N, Memoranda item 1, and for credit unions, NCUA Form 5300 Loans & Leases Schedule and on
Schedule A.
Refer to www.ffiec.gov for FFIEC Instructions.
The TDR designation is an accounting categorization, as promulgated by the FASB and codified within
Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Subtopic 310-40, Receivables Troubled Debt Restructurings by
Creditors (ASC Subtopic 310-40).
FASB Statement on Prudential Regulatory Guidance Concerning Troubled Debt Restructurings.
According to ASC Subtopic 310-40, factors to be considered in making this determination, which could be
qualitative, are whether the amount of delayed restructured payments is insignificant relative to the unpaid principal
or collateral value of the debt, thereby resulting in an insignificant shortfall in the contractual amount due from the
borrower, and whether the delay in timing of the restructured payment period is insignificant relative to the
frequency of payments due under the debt, the debt’s original contractual maturity, or the debts original expected
The borrower was current on payments at the time the modification program is
implemented; and
The modification is short-term (e.g., six months).
Government-mandated modification or deferral programs related to COVID-19 would not be in
the scope of ASC Subtopic 310-40, for example, a state program that requires institutions to
suspend mortgage payments within that state for a specified period.
Credit Risk
The agencies examiners will exercise judgment in reviewing loan modifications and will not
automatically adversely risk rate credits that are affected by COVID-19. All loan modifications
should comply with applicable laws
and regulations and be consistent with safe and sound
practices (including maintenance of appropriate allowances for loan and lease losses or
allowances for credit losses, as applicable). Regardless of whether modifications result in loans
that are considered TDRs, section 4013 loans, or are adversely classified, agency examiners will
not criticize prudent efforts to modify the terms on existing loans to affected customers.
Regulatory Capital
The FRB, the FDIC, and the OCC note that efforts to work with borrowers of one-to-four family
residential mortgages as described above, where the loans are prudently underwritten, and not 90
days or more past due or carried in nonaccrual status, will not result in the loans being
considered restructured or modified for the purposes of their respective risk-based capital rules.
Past Due Reporting
With regard to loans not otherwise reportable as past due, financial institutions are not expected
to designate loans with deferrals granted due to COVID-19 as past due because of the deferral.
A loan’s payment date is governed by the due date stipulated in the legal agreement. If a
financial institution agrees to a payment deferral, this may result in no contractual payments
being past due, and these loans are not considered past due during the period of the deferral.
Nonaccrual Status and Charge-offs
Each financial institution should refer to the applicable regulatory reporting instructions, as well
as its internal accounting policies, to determine if loans to stressed borrowers should be reported
as nonaccrual assets in regulatory reports. However, during the short-term arrangements
discussed in this statement, these loans generally should not be reported as nonaccrual. As more
information becomes available indicating a specific loan will not be repaid, institutions should
Federal credit unions should be cognizant of loan maturity limits set forth in the Federal Credit Union Act, 12
U.S.C. § 1757, and 12 C.F.R. § 701.21(c)(4).
Although NCUAs Risk-Based Capital rule does not go into effect until January 1, 2022, the NCUA agrees with
the language in this guidance regarding working with borrowers of one-to-four family residential mortgages.
This applies for ris k-based capital purposes as well. In addition, the underlying exposure of a securitization would
not be considered past due or to have contractually deferred payments under 12 CFR 3.43(b)(2) or 12 CFR
3.144(b)(2) (OCC), 12 CFR 217.43(b)(2) or 12 CFR 217.144(b) (FRB), or 12 CFR 324.43(b)(2) or 12 CFR
324.144(b)(2) (FDIC) due solely to such a payment deferral.
refer to the charge-off guidance in the instructions for the Consolidated Reports of Condition and
Discount Window Eligibility
Institutions are reminded that loans that have been restructured as described under this statement
will generally continue to be eligible as collateral at the FRB’s discount window based on the
usual criteria .
Working with Customers: Consumer Protection Considerations
The agencies encourage financial institutions to consider prudent arrangements that can ease
cash flow pressures on affected borrowers, improve their capacity to service debt, increase the
potential for financially stressed residential borrowers to keep their homes, and facilitate the
financial institution’s ability to collect on its loans.
Additionally, such prudent arrangements
may mitigate the long-term impact of this emergency on consumers by avoiding delinquencies
and other adverse consequences.
When working with borrowers, lenders and servicers should adhere to consumer protection
requirements, including fair lending laws, to provide the opportunity for all borrowers to benefit
from these arrangements.
When exercising supervisory and enforcement responsibilities , the
agencies will take into account the unique circumstances impacting borrowers and institutions
resulting from the National Emergency. The agencies will take into account an institution’s
good-faith efforts demonstrably designed to support consumers and comply with consumer
protection laws.
The agencies expect that supervisory feedback for institutions will be focused
on identifying issues, correcting deficiencies, and ensuring appropriate remediation to
consumers. The agencies do not expect to take a consumer compliance public enforcement
action against an institution, provided that the circumstances were related to the Na tiona l
Emergency and that the institution made good faith efforts to support borrowers and comply with
the consumer protection requirements, as well as responded to any needed corrective action.
For federally insured credit unions, refer to NCUA LCU 03-CU-01.
For Community Reinvestment Act treatment of certain activities in response to the COVID-19 emergency, see the
Joint Statement on CRA Consideration for Activities in Response to COVID-19 (March 19, 2020), available at
In addition to the CARES Act, to the extent applicable, other actions taken by federal and state entities may result
in certain consumer protections for borrowers.
As reflected in the Uniform Interagency Consumer Compliance Ratings System, the agencies recognize that
compliance management programs vary based on the size, complexity, and risk profile of supervised institutions.
The agencies further recognize that institutions can promote consumer protection by preventing, self-identifying,
and addressing compliance issues in a proactive manner. See FFIEC Guidance on the Uniform Interagency
Consumer Compliance Rating System, available at: