AP Exams
Preparing for Testing Days 2024
Dear AAPS AP Testing Students and Families,
Ann Arbor Public Schools is excited to offer the opportunity for our students to take
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams. Please note that all AP exams administered by
AAPS take place on a specific date/time determined by the College Board and occur
at the locations listed below. Transportation is NOT provided by AAPS and is the
responsibility of the AP student.
The College Board has strict guidelines for exam administration. Not following
guidelines may result in dismissal and/or nullification of exams. Students are
responsible for reading and following all guidelines. There are no refunds for
tests nullified due to a student not following testing guidelines.
Table of Contents:
Important Reminders
Testing Schedule
Exam Times
Exam Locations
What to Bring
What NOT to Bring
Make Up Exams
AP Comp Sci Prin Digital Submission Deadline 4/30/24
Students with Testing Accommodations
EMU Map & Parking Directions
Approximate Pick-up Times
Important Reminders
Be EARLY - Arriving at exam start time is LATE
Students need time to enter, check-in, obtain supplies, and get settled
prior to the exam start time.
Students must have a Photo ID for entry
NO CELL PHONES are permitted in the testing room
Food and drink, including water, may not be consumed in the testing room, but
your own snack may be eaten in the lobby during the test break.
No large bags/ backpacks are permitted in the testing rooms.
You may NOT consult texts or notebooks or use phones during the exam or at
the break.
Students taking two exams in one day should pack a lunch to eat on campus.
Purchasing lunch from vendors may not leave adequate time for break and
lunch in between.
Students may not enter testing rooms until they have been instructed to do so.
There are no late admissions!
Testing Schedule
Week 1
Monday, May 6
Morning U.S. Govt EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Chemistry EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Art History EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Tuesday, May 7
Morning Microeconomics EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Statistics EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Wednesday, May 8
Morning English Literature EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Computer Science A EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Thursday, May 9
Morning Chinese Language EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Morning Environmental Science EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Psychology EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Friday, May 10
Morning US History EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Morning European History EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Macroeconomics EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Week 2
Monday, May 13
Morning Calculus AB/BC EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Precalculus EMU Student Center (2nd flr)
Tuesday, May 14
Morning English Language EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Physics C - Mech (12-2pm) EMU Student Center (2nd flr)
Afternoon Physics C - Elec./Mag. (2-4pm) EMU Student Center (2nd flr)
Wednesday, May 15
Morning French Language EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Morning World History EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Comp Science Prin EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Music Theory EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Thursday, May 16
Morning Spanish Language EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Biology EMU Student Center (2nd flr.)
Afternoon Japanese Language EMU Student Center (3rd flr.)
Friday, May 17
Morning German Pioneer High School
Morning Physics 1: Algebra-based Pioneer High School
Afternoon Physics 2: Algebra-based Pioneer High School
Exam Times
Morning Exams
arrive no later than 7:15 a.m.
approximate ending 12:00 noon
Afternoon Exams*
arrive no later than 11:30 a.m.
approximate ending 4 - 4:30 pm
*Exception: Physics E& M - arrive at 1:45 pm
Exam Locations
AP Exams Location for Exams on 5/6/24-5/16/24
Eastern Michigan University Student Center - 2nd Floor Check-in
900 Oakwood St
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
AP Exam Location for Exams on 5/17/24 & 5/22/24-5/24/24
Pioneer High School
601 W Stadium Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
All students must check-in at the Registration table (Found on the 2nd floor of the
Student Center in the ballroom lobby).
Look for the sign that begins with the first letter of your LAST name and get in
that line.
For the Calculus exam, be sure to get in the correct line: Calculus AB or Calculus BC.
Show photo ID to receive your AP label sheet.
Any student with a cell phone will submit their cell phone at the registration
table (AAPS is not responsible for loss or damage).
Students will wait in lobby area quietly (as to not disturb other testers) until
admission to the testing room is announced.
All students should use the restroom before being admitted into the
testing room.
Students will be directed to a seat once inside the testing room.
Students wait for further instructions - Do NOT open or make any marks on
test materials until instructed to do so.
What to Bring
Photo ID
#2 Pencils AND Blue/Black ink pens
Approved Calculator (if required)
*Fully charged AAPS-issued Chromebook (*if taking a World Language or
Music Theory exam)
extra computers will NOT be available
What NOT to Bring
A cell phone
Students are not allowed to bring electronic equipment (cell phones,
smart phones, smart watches, tablets, computers, etc.), portable
listening or recording devices (MP3 player, iPod, etc.), cameras or other
photographic equipment, devices that can access the Internet, and any
other electronic or communication devices.
Per College Board, “If you are observed in possession of or using a
cell phone, or unauthorized electronic device in any manner at any
time before testing ends, including at break, you will be dismissed
from testing and the device may be confiscated pending an
investigation. Schools that do not enforce these rules risk being
banned from offering future AP tests. Violations must be reported to
the College Board, which makes the final determination regarding the
cancellation of your AP test score.
Any student electronic devices will be collected at check-in and stored
outside of the testing room until all testing is complete (AAPS is not
responsible for loss or damage).
A large bag or backpack
Anything that may distract you from testing
Make Up Exams
Make-up exams occur May 22 - May 24, 2024, and are located at Pioneer High
Make-up exams require special arrangements and approval through the
College Board and may result in additional fees
Not all makeup exam requests can be approved. The College Board
determines make-up approvals.
AP Computer Science Principles Project
Submission Deadline 4/30/24
April 30th is the deadline for students to submit their digital project portion of their AP
Computer Science Principles exam. This project will be printed for them and available
for their reference during a specific part of the exam. Students should work with their
AP teacher for submission and to obtain any necessary supports for this submission.
Refunds are not available for exams nullified due to a student not submitting this
required component of the AP Computer Science Principles Exam.
Students with Testing Accommodations
Through the College Board approval process, students may obtain access to various
types of testing accommodations. Depending on the type of accommodation, a
student may test in a different room and/or have extended time that may result in their
exam lasting 1 ½ - 2 times longer. This means these student’s pick-up time could be
1 ½ - 3 hours later than students testing standard time.
EMU Map & Parking Directions
Follow this LINK for directions on student drop-off, pick-up, and parking on EMU’s
Approximate Pick-up Times
Follow this LINK to approximate pick-up times for each exam.
* Note: Students with extended time accommodations end time
may be 1 ½ - 3 hours later than shown.