The following building policies have been designed to provide tenants expectations for the use of the
EMU Student Center Student Organization Offices. The policies presented below are not meant to
represent an all--inclusive list but a fair and reasonable set of expectations. Failure to adhere to
building policies may result in a variety of outcomes, including but not limited to fines and loss of
operating space.
No personal furniture is permitted in Student Organization Offices (shelving, chairs, tables, etc.).
Further, all furniture provided is property of the EMU Student Center.
High--consumption electrical appliances (microwaves, refrigerators, hotplates, etc.) are prohibited in
Student Organization Offices.
Equipment and Furnishings in the EMU Student Center may not be moved to other areas of the
building (or outside the building) unless approved by the EMU Student Center in advance.
For the long--term care of the Student Center, student organizations are not permitted to hang or affix
or tape signs, pictures and posters to walls inside, as well as outside the offices. Temporary items may
not be tacked or nailed to walls or doors. Damages to walls will be billed to the tenant responsible for
hanging the items.
Nothing may be attached to the windows and windowsills in the EMU Student Center.
Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited within the EMU Student Center.
Smoking and other use of tobacco is prohibited at all times within all areas of the EMU Student Center.
Tenants will be charged for any damages to equipment and/or excessive cleaning related to the use of
their assigned offices.
Student group office space is only available during regular hours of operation. During designated
times (winter break, summer, etc.), all perishable items must be
removed from offices and disposed of properly.
Storage of flammable items (lighter fluid, open sternos, propane, gasoline, etc.) are prohibited within
the EMU Student Center. Use of flammable items (including candles) must be approved in advance by
the Student Center Office. Incense is prohibited in the Student Center.
Operating space may only be used by the organization to which it is assigned. Student groups are not
permitted to share any allocated space with other student groups, unrecognized groups, campus
departments, etc.
EMU Dining Services is the only approved caterer for events held in the EMU Student Center. Food
which is to be served at closed meetings (i.e. in private offices for members only, not publicized) must
be disposed of properly.
While the EMU Student Center is guided by policies, standard operating protocols have also been
designed to provide tenants a better understanding of the operations of the facility and the services
provided by the Student Center Office staff.
Hours of operation will be posted on the Student Center website. Hours of operation will also be
posted on all entrances. Student Center staff may adjust hours of operation based on the level of
activity within the facility, as well as during special events. On most occasions, the building will close at
The Student Center Office manages a staff of custodians which maintain the cleanliness and general
appearance of the Student Center. In regard to tenant operating space, desks will only be dusted if
they are prepared (i.e. desks must be cleared off). Custodians will not dust desks with files/papers on
them. Trash and recycling bins will be emptied on a daily basis. Vacuuming of tenant operating spaces
will typically be done on a weekly basis. If you request special custodial attention for a special
occasion, please contact the Student Center Office in advance.
Requests for repairs in spaces and facilities in the EMU Student Center may be submitted to the
Student Center Office.
Both U.S. and campus mail are delivered to the Campus Life Office, room 345, daily before noon. If
your organization receives a package, you will be notified by email to retrieve it from the Campus
Life office.
All student organization offices are equipped with at least one telephone jack. All
telecommunications--related charges (including connecting and disconnecting phone lines, monthly
line fees, toll fees, etc.) are the responsibility of the tenant.
All assigned offices are equipped with at least one internet port. Costs associated with the activation of
additional ports are the responsibility of the tenant. Contact the Student Center Office for details.
1. Timeline: It is understood that this rental agreement runs from mid-summer (TBD by
Campus Life) until the end of Winter Semester (TBD by Campus Life). Moving out late will be
documented in your organization file in Campus Life, and you may not be eligible to receive future
2. Terms of Eligibility: To be eligible for office space, the organization must be recognized as "in
good standing." If this recognition dissolves at any point during the duration of this agreement, your
organization shall be evicted.
3. Furniture: Each office is furnished with a desk, chair, and file cabinet for each organization's
sole use. Organizations may not take/bring furniture from any other areas of the EMU Student Center
into their offices.
4. Compliance: Each organization must comply with with the Student Center Building Policies for
tenants, the EMU Student Code of Conduct, this Space Rental Agreement, and all other University and
Student Center policies and procedures. If an organization violates the rules set forth by the EMU
Student Center and/or the Office of Campus Life, it may result in:
Verbal Warning: (to be noted in the organization's file) and meeting with the Director of
Campus Life.
Infraction 1: Written reprimand (to be logged in the organization's file) and meeting with the Director
of Campus Life. Organization will be placed on probation.
Infraction 2: A letter stating eviction from the office will be sent to the organization's officers and
advisor(s). Vacate date will be within five (5) days from the eviction date. Organization(s) who have
been evicted will not be allowed to obtain office space in the Student Center for at least two (2)
5. Liability: The University, the Office of Campus Life, or any official University subsidiary shall
not be held responsible for any loss or theft of property from an office. Furthermore, the University is
not responsible for any damages that may occur within the office. Student Organizations are
responsible for the repair of any damage beyond normal usage.
6. Advisor: The student organization must present the name, campus or local address, telephone
number and campus email address of the advisor on this form.
Furthermore, if the advisor may change during the course of this rental term, then an updated copy of
this information must be on file with the Office of Campus Life.
1. All organizations and their members must obey and adhere to Eastern Michigan University's
Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Process (Code).
2. Only the student organizations assigned to an office may occupy that office. No student
organizations are to be housed in offices that are not officially assigned to them.
3. Only student members of student organizations may regularly make use of assigned
student organization office space. Faculty, staff and graduate student advisors may not maintain
regular hours in Student Organization Offices.
4. Organizations must serve at least ten (10) office hours per week while classes are in session
during the fall and winter semesters. Failure to hold the required minimum number of office hours
may result in loss of office and ineligibility for the following school year. The only exception to this
rule is when classes are not in session, including summer.
5. Student organization offices are shared spaces designed for typical office/clerical work;
therefore, they may not be used for the following:
A. To conduct counseling sessions of a private personal nature;
B. as event/programming/meeting space;
C. to exchange or store money or valuables;
D. as regular office space for faculty, staff or graduate students, including the organization's
advisors, and;
E. to build shelves or engage in other carpentry work.
6. Damaging walls with holes, nails, hooks and/or tape is prohibited, as is the painting or
wallpapering of walls.
7. Damage beyond normal usage to a desk, cabinet or office, in general, will be charged to
the organization responsible for said damage.
8. Any language, symbols or photographs demeaning any ethnicity, ability level, race, gender,
sexual orientation or creed are strictly prohibited, and will result in the offending organization's
immediate eviction from the office.
9. Alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking and unprofessional behavior are not allowed in offices.
10. Due to the possibility of a fire and fire code regulations, organizations may not use candles,
incense or any item with open flame in their office.
11. Food--related rubbish is prohibited in the hallways and offices. Please dispose of it in the trash
or recycle it as appropriate.
12. No individual (or organization) utilizing space in the Student Center is permitted to remain in
the Student Center after the building closes.
13. Each organization officer, member and guest is responsible for abiding by these Office Policies,
the EMU Student Code of Conduct, and all other pertinent rules and regulations.
14. Please be respectful of your office mates space. This includes not encroaching on their space and
keeping guest and volume level to a minimum.
Student organizations that occupy offices are allowed to only grant seven (7) members access
to the office.
No Student Center staff will open offices for individual organization members. Each organization is
individually responsible for coordinating access to individual members. (if the swipe card is not
working, please report that information to the Student Center Administration Office, room 370).
Removal of individual office access will be granted to any organization president who fills out an
updated Office Access Form located in the Campus Life Office, room 345.
The administration reserves the right to remove access from any student.
We, the undersigned, agree to abide by the policies mentioned student organization office space policies
mentioned above. We understand that we will be held responsible for the actions of our members within
the Center for Student Involvement and agree to share this information with them and all other
organization officers.
___________________________________ ___________________________
(Signature) (Date)