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The purpose of this analysis was to provide a supplement to the 2006 Evaluation of the
National Flood Insurance Program’s Building Standards
and, further, to determine the
cost-effectiveness of including freeboard
within the foundation height of new residential
buildings constructed in floodplains. The incorporation of freeboard will effectively
reduce the potential flood risk to the building. This analysis was conducted to determine
the benefits associated with constructing coastal houses higher than the current National
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requirements mandate. In addition, the analysis was
conducted to establish which factors should be considered when determining how many
feet above the minimum required elevation a house should be constructed at in order to
maximize the cost-effectiveness of the additional height.
The report will demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of utilizing additional freeboard in the
construction of a house and point out the factors that impact the cost-effectiveness of
freeboard. Foundation types, house size (i.e., layout) variations, flood hazard conditions,
and costs of construction were all evaluated in order to determine which factors should be
specified as the primary considerations in determining how much freeboard is
economically justified. In almost all situations studied, freeboard proved cost-effective
for both 1 and 2 feet above the minimum requirements. In some situations, 3 and 4 feet of
freeboard were still deemed cost-effective. In addition to cost-effectiveness, a general
discussion of risk reduction (i.e., damages avoided) is provided, as well as some of the
engineering considerations that should be evaluated when selecting the appropriate
foundation type.
The NFIP was instituted by congressional order in 1968 to assist in regulating
floodplains. The NFIP divides the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA – 1-percent annual
chance floodplain) into V Zones (i.e., areas of high-velocity wave action) and A Zones
(i.e., some wave action, but primarily inundation and low-velocity floodwaters). Due to
the differences in risks associated with these zones, this report will use these zones as a
method of differentiating flood risk levels and as a proxy for different methods of
construction. It is also important to further differentiate the risk level within different
portions of the A Zone. The A Zone has been subdivided into the Coastal A Zone and the
A Zone (see Figure 1). Each of these zones is defined by the depth of the stillwater and
wave height during a design event flood.
The design event used for designation of the zones is a flood event with the annual
probability of exceedance of 1 percent. The 1-percent annual chance flood event is
Evaluation of the National Flood Insurance Program’s Building Standards, American Institutes for
Research, Christopher P. Jones, William Coulbourne, Jamie Marshall, and Spencer M. Rogers, Jr.,
December 2006.
Freeboard is defined by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in ASCE 24-05, Flood
Resistant Design and Construction, as “additional height used as a factor of safety in setting the minimum
elevation of a structure, or floodproofing measures applied to a structure, to compensate for factors that
may increase flood heights and for uncertainties inherent in determining flood frequencies and flood
commonly referred to as the 100-year flooding event. However, in order to avoid
confusion, the annual percent chance will be used throughout this report. The stillwater
elevation plus the wave heights is referred to as the “base flood elevation” (BFE). The
term “BFE” is used throughout the report to designate the minimum elevation of
construction allowed by the NFIP.
Figure 1 | Coastal Floodplain Zones
The NFIP requires that buildings built within V Zones are constructed to a height such
that the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member supporting the lowest floor is
located at the BFE. When buildings are located within Coastal A and A Zones, the NFIP
requires that they only have the top of the lowest floor located at the BFE. The focus of
this report is to quantify the benefits of building additional foundation height above the
BFE in order to reduce the risk of flooding. This additional height is referred to as
“freeboard” and is typically evaluated in 1-foot increments.
One reason freeboard was introduced into building codes was to account for the inherent
uncertainties associated with flood maps. Flood maps reflect the data collected at the time
of mapping and should be considered a “snapshot in time.” Changes to the land following
the mapping (development or erosion) can drastically impact stillwater elevations and
wave heights. It should also be noted that the elevations shown on a coastal flood map
have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. Therefore, there is the potential that the
modeled flood height is slightly higher than what is shown on the map. In addition,
freeboard can provide protection against changes in water elevation due to sea-level rise.
These uncertainties associated with flood maps do not make them flawless, but the
information contained in them should be considered credible nonetheless.
Freeboard requirements may be dictated by local building codes or floodplain
management ordinances, and the use of 1 foot of freeboard has been included in the 2009
version of the International Residential Code (IRC) for V Zones and Coastal A Zones.
Although the use of freeboard is not required by all local authorities, it remains important
to consider that the additional height above the BFE may provide financial benefits based
upon reduced flood insurance premiums. The reduced flooding risk is reflected in those
flood insurance premiums and, as consumers become more educated on the benefits of
freeboard, the additional height may offset the initial cost of construction. The report is
designed to evaluate for a homeowner the relationship between the increased costs of
construction for freeboard versus future savings from reduced flood damage and reduced
flood insurance premiums.
Study Parameters
The study was conducted using similar data to the 2006 Evaluation of the National Flood
Insurance Program’s Building Standards. Four house layouts were selected (See Table
1) and then multiple foundations were evaluated for each house layout (See Table 2).
The foundations were evaluated at multiple elevations above BFE and evaluated against a
house constructed at BFE or a baseline structure. The house foundation costs were
evaluated in each flood zone and modeled using a foundation that is allowable within
those particular flood zones, based upon NFIP regulations. These houses were further
evaluated in multiple flooding situations, based upon data from different coastal locations
around the United States in order to determine whether the changes in flooding
characteristics and local construction costs impacted the cost-effectiveness of the
construction above BFE.
Table 1 | Baseline Building Parameters
Building Case Length (ft) Width (ft) Number of
Footprint Size
Building Size
1 50 30 1 1,500 1,500
2 50 30 2 1,500 3,000
3 60 40 1 2,400 2,400
4 60 40 2 2,400 4,800
Table 2 | Flood Zones and Foundation Types Analyzed
Flood Hazard
Building Sizes
Lowest Floor
Elevation (ft)
V 4
Timber Pile
Concrete Pile
Masonry Pier
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
Coastal A 4
Timber Pile
Concrete Pile
Masonry Pier
8” Masonry
12” Masonry
Fill and
Concrete Slab-
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
A 4
Timber Pile
Concrete Pile
Masonry Pier
8” Masonry
12” Masonry
Fill and
Concrete Slab-
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
Development of Data
Each of the foundations designs were developed using the FEMA 550, Recommended
Residential Construction for the Gulf Coast. This document provided foundation
assumptions for each of the foundation types. The soil in all scenarios was assumed to be
dense sand in all locations. Scour was assumed in both V Zones and Coastal A Zones.
Sour is common in areas of high water velocities or more generally the V and Coastal A
Zones. When utilizing timber piles, concrete piles and masonry piers it was assumed that
adjustments to the size or number of piles/piers would be required based upon the size
and height of the house. These modifications were dictated by the combination of
foundation heights and foundation material properties.
In order to comply with applicable NFIP regulations in the V Zones the lowest horizontal
structural member was set to the BFE for the baseline houses. The houses in the Coastal
A and A Zones were modeled so that their baseline elevation was the top of the first floor
which was constructed to BFE. All of the remaining house models were developed in 1-
foot increments up to 4 feet above BFE or baseline model.
Table 3 illustrates the percent increases in the cost of construction when freeboard is
included into the design of a structure.
Table 3| Percent Increases in Cost of Construction for Freeboard
Flood Zone Freeboard (ft) Cost of Freeboard (% increase)
V Zone
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
Coastal A Zone
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
A Zone
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
Cost Models Utilized:
The costs for each house were developed by calculating the approximate cost for each of
the four baseline structures and then removing the cost of the foundation elements. The
costs to construct each of the foundations were calculated using RSMeans 2008 cost data
and then added back to each of the houses (to represent the structure above the
foundation). The difference between the cost to construct the house at BFE and the costs
associated with constructing the house with each freeboard scenario was used in order to
run the Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA).
A range of construction location factors from approximately .80 to 1.20 (1.0 = the
national average) were applied to the various locations in order to evaluate the impacts of
various construction costs on the cost-effectiveness of freeboard. The various locations
also provided opportunities to evaluate the influence that the Community Rating System
(CRS) classification might have upon the cost-effectiveness of freeboard. CRS ratings
between 7 and 9 were used in the analysis.
Flood Insurance Premiums
Each structure was evaluated using a flood insurance premium model based upon 2008
flood insurance premium rate tables. 2008 NFIP flood insurance premium data was
collected and a simplified chart was developed in order to assess each house a flood
insurance premium. The chart also evaluated the reduced premiums associated with
increases in freeboard. In order to determine the potential benefits associated with
freeboard, the maximum allowable coverage was calculated for each house—for both the
structure and its contents. Flood insurance premiums were calculated to be the value of
the structure up to a maximum of $250,000 and, for the contents, 30 percent of the
building replacement value up to a maximum of $100,000. An approximate contents
value of 30 percent of the building replacement value was utilized. Although the 30-
percent value reflects past FEMA guidance, this value is being evaluated and, in
instances where the contents value is documented to be higher, an increased value can be
applied. Due to the contents value not being applied to the construction cost, this
assumption would provide additional benefits if the house was constructed higher and
flooding damage was prevented. As stated above, the CRS classification was evaluated in
the study and discounts to flood insurance premiums were evaluated in order to
determine the potential impacts of the CRS classification to the overall cost-effectiveness
of including freeboard.
Data Analysis
In order to compare the benefits associated with constructing the houses at each freeboard
scenario, the FEMA Mitigation BCA Toolkit was used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness
of construction of the additional freeboard height. Both Versions 2.0 and 3.0 were used in
order to provide additional data and an opportunity to look for variations in data trends
between the versions. The Benefit-Cost Ratios (BCR) were developed for every house
and then compared based upon location, foundation type, and amount of freeboard. The
final trend analysis and data used in the Data Analysis and Conclusion sections were
developed using Version 3.0 since it represents the most current depth-damage
information at the time of the study.
Houses were grouped by flood zone and analyzed accordingly. V Zone houses were
evaluated using the V Zone BCA module and A Zone houses were evaluated using the A
Zone module. Coastal A Zones were evaluated using the V Zone module instead of the A
Zone module. This decision was made due to these houses being impacted by wave
heights of 1.5 to 3 feet. (This level of wave action has been noted to significantly increase
damage to structures.)
The standard FEMA depth-damage curves were used without modification. Depth-
damage curves provide an association between the depth of flooding within the home to
the subsequent damages expected to be incurred by the structural components of the
house and contents within the house.
Costs associated with displacement from the house in the event of a storm were
calculated using FEMA standard values. Assumptions used in the model were $1 of rent
per square foot of damaged house for housing costs following a disaster and, in addition,
$500 per month to cover utility bills, storage costs, and other costs associated with
temporary housing following a disaster. (A one-time $500 cost is also included in order
to cover any deposits that may be required for temporary housing.)
The evaluation of the flooding risk was evaluated over a 30-year period. This number
was based upon an assumed 30-year mortgage used to finance the house. In addition, a 7-
percent discount rate was used, which is a standard value used for FEMA economic
The benefits and costs of construction were evaluated in order to develop a BCR. The
BCRs were developed by dividing the present value benefits by the cost of freeboard
construction. A BCR above 1.0 is considered to be cost-effective. In order to evaluate the
complete benefits associated with freeboard, the calculated reduction in flood insurance
premiums was added to the damages avoided benefits. This combined benefit was
divided by the cost of freeboard construction. Although the flood insurance premium
reduction is not normally included in such studies (from a societal point of view,
premium reductions should be comparable to damages avoided), it was determined that it
would be included in this analysis in order to assess the costs and benefits of freeboard to
a homeowner. (A homeowner will enjoy both benefits—reduced flood insurance
premiums and damage/displacement costs avoided.)
The data was then displayed in graphical format and trends were evaluated by comparing
the area of the houses (in square feet), their locations and foundation types, and the flood
zone in which each is located. As expected, the most benefits were seen in houses located
within the V Zones and Coastal A Zones. This suggested that houses that are subject to
the highest risk will gain the most benefits from incorporating the use of freeboard into
their design.
Graphical Analysis
The following graphs visually illustrate the average costs associated with including
freeboard into the design of a house. Each graph includes a separate line for each flood
Graph 1 illustrates the average cost of freeboard as a percent of the total
construction costs and compares each foot of freeboard. The total cost of
construction is the cost associated with building the entire house at freeboard. The
cost of constructing the house at BFE was subtracted from the cost of constructing
the house at freeboard. This difference in cost was divided by the cost of
constructing the house to freeboard and then taken as a percentage.
Graph 2 illustrates the average potential flood insurance premium savings of
freeboard. The average potential flood insurance premium was divided by the
total cost of construction at freeboard. The average potential flood insurance
premium savings is shown as a percentage of the total cost of construction at
Graph 3 illustrates the average Benefit Cost Ratio for damages-avoided benefits
of freeboard. The initial analysis was conducted solely by evaluating the potential
avoided damages based upon the annual potential for flood damage as a function
of the flood hazard data and the elevation of the house.
Graph 4 illustrates the average Benefit Cost Ratio for the total benefits (i.e.,
damages-avoided benefits plus the potential flood insurance premium savings) of
freeboard. In addition to the avoided damages illustrated in Graph 3, the potential
flood insurance premium savings were annualized and included in the overall
benefits per foot of freeboard. This was divided by the additional cost of
freeboard and graphed per foot of freeboard.
Graph 5 is a comparison chart of the Benefit Cost Ratios for the damages-
avoided benefits and compares them to the Benefit Cost Ratios for the total
benefits (i.e., damages-avoided benefits plus the potential flood insurance
premium savings) of freeboard. This is a comparison graph for the information
shown in Graphs 3 and 4.
Freeboard Cost as a Percent of Construction
1 2 3 4
Freeboard (ft)
Percent of Total Construction Costs
V Zone
Coastal A Zone
A Zone
Graph 1 | Freeboard Costs as a Percent of Total Construction Costs
Premium Savings as a Percent of Construction
1 2 3 4
Freeboard (ft)
Percent of Total Construction Costs
V Zone
Coastal A Zone
A Zone
Graph 2 | Flood Insurance Premiums as a Percent of Total Construction Costs
Benefit Cost Ratios for Freeboard
(Damages Avoided Benefits Only)
1 2 3 4
Freeboard (ft)
Benefit Cost Ratios
(Damages Avoided Benefits Only)
V Zone
Coastal A Zone
A Zone
Graph 3 | Benefit Cost Ratios (Damages-Avoided Benefits Only) of Freeboard. The red line illustrates a
Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.0.
Benefit Cost Ratios for Freeboard
(Total Homeowner Benefits)
1 2 3 4
Freeboard (ft)
Benefit Cost Ratios
(Total Homeowner Benefits)
V Zone
Coastal A Zone
A Zone
Graph 4 | Benefit Cost Ratios (Total Homeowner Benefits) of Freeboard – This Benefit Cost Ratio
represents the combined damages-avoided benefits plus the flood insurance premium savings. The red line
illustrates a Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.0.
Benefit Cost Ratios for Freeboard
1 2 3 4
Freeboard (ft)
Benefit Cost Ratios
V Zone DA
V Zone Total
Coastal A Zone DA
Coastal A Zone Total
A Zone DA
A Zone Total
Graph 5 | A Comparison of the Benefit Cost Ratios for Damages-Avoided Only (DA) Versus the Benefit
Cost Ratio Total (i.e., the combined damages-avoided benefits plus the flood insurance premium savings) .
The red line illustrates a Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.0.
Limitations of the Models
It is important to consider that the BCA did not account for inconsistencies in flood
hazard data. The flood hazard data used within the models was calculated for a design
event. However, if higher flood elevations occur with an increased frequency, then
additional freeboard becomes more beneficial. The potential for higher-than-predicted
flood elevations suggests that when considering hazard resistance, it should be
remembered that, although 1 and 2 feet of freeboard are most cost-effective in many
situations, 3 and 4 feet of freeboard may prove to be more beneficial.
The BCA data suggested that in every location constructing above the BFE is cost-
beneficial. The BCR did show some overall trends based upon various factors and have
provided some insight for the cost-effectiveness of where the house is located. The
factors that could influence the decision of how much freeboard to include are:
Local regulations
The flood zone in which the house is located
Local flooding hazard conditions (i.e., elevations for flood probabilities)
Local foundation construction practices
Cost of construction
Payback Periods for Including Freeboard
Further calculations conducted using the data suggested that the savings in flood
insurance premiums were providing a payback period of less than 5 years in most cases
in V Zones and less than 8 years in most cases in Coastal A Zones and A Zones.
Exceptions to these findings occur with more costly foundation options. These foundation
options include some high concrete pile configurations and some 12-inch masonry wall
situations. The similarities in payback periods for Coastal A Zones and A Zones are
primarily a function of the increased costs associated with the increased risk in Coastal A
Zones versus the reduced costs of construction associated with A Zones. The payback
periods are important to consider when the average homeowner spends approximately 5
to 7 years in a house. The increased cost of construction will be recouped by the average
first homeowner of the house. The average payback period calculation does not consider
the primary advantage of constructing a house with freeboard integrated into its design,
which is the reduced flooding risk. The payback period calculation was developed in
order to prove to homeowners the cost-effectiveness of including freeboard even if a
flood event does not occur during the first several years after a house is constructed.
Foundation Design Considerations
While timber piles, in many cases, provide the most cost-effective foundation material, it
should be noted that in some situations timber piles present design limitations. Due to the
material properties of timber, it is possible that (because of high flood elevations) timber
piles will no longer prove to be a viable foundation material due to the lengths required to
exceed both the flooding conditions and scouring below pre-flood ground. The material
properties of timber make it subject to bending when the ratio of pile length to pile
diameter becomes excessive. In the past, this issue has been remedied by cross-bracing
the piles. Post-disaster evaluations have suggested that houses that rely on cross-bracing
for stability are significantly damaged if it is lost during the storm, as houses become
unstable once cross-bracing is lost. This design limitation inherent in the timber piles may
require a builder to select another foundation material in order to achieve the proper
house elevation.
Similarly the study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of using 8-inch and 12-inch
continuous foundations and concrete slab-on-grade foundations on fill in Coastal A
Zones. While all three of these foundations are acceptable within the regulatory A Zone,
their use in the recommended Coastal A Zone is not advised. These types of foundations
would be subject to scour and erosion consistent with high-velocity water and could
prematurely fail due to such conditions. In addition, these foundations are discouraged
due to changes in flooding conditions or higher-than-expected water levels. If flooding
conditions for a particular area are higher than expected, the delineation line of V Zone
and Coastal A Zones will move further back into the Coastal A Zone and subject the
houses within the Coastal A Zone to V Zone wave conditions (i.e., 3 feet or greater).
Post-disaster evaluations of continuous and slab foundations have shown that they
perform very poorly in these conditions. An open (pile or pier) foundation is
recommended in order to mitigate these situations.
The Impact of Flood Insurance Premium Savings
When considering the benefits of reduced flood insurance premiums it should be noted
that these benefits plateau at 3 feet. Further, while the cost of construction is increasing,
the premium benefits do not continue to increase. This scenario causes the overall
benefits of freeboard at 3 and 4 feet to diminish. It should be noted that in most cases
these scenarios still prove to be cost-effective. Table 4 illustrates the cost of freeboard in
comparison to the average flood insurance premium savings as a percent of the total cost
of construction. These ranges can be evaluated in order to assess the duration of time it
will take to recoup the increased cost of construction associated with incorporating
freeboard into the building design.
Table 4 | Summary of Analysis Results
Cost of
(% increase)
Savings as a
Percent of
Total Cost of
Average Payback
Period for Additional
Cost of Freeboard
V Zone
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
A Zone
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
A Zone
BFE + 1
BFE + 2
BFE + 3
BFE + 4
Correlations to the Original Analysis
The original study utilized flood elevations for return periods based on a percentage of
the BFE. The percentages were established based on a review of several Flood Insurance
Studies throughout the U.S. coastlines. This updated study utilizes actual flood data and
elevations from specific locations. Once locations were selected, data was collected using
a Flood Insurance Study and a current Flood Insurance Rate Map. Based on this
information a BFE and ground elevation were determined for each location. The
difference between the ground elevation and the BFE established the foundation
requirements for each location. In estimating the foundation costs, the foundations were
modified as their height increased. In some instances foundation costs escalated at a
nonlinear rate due to design thresholds.
The revised study did not attempt to address the effectiveness of the NFIP or establish
construction thresholds for determining the amount of freeboard which a community
should enforce. The revised study was intended to focus on the cost-effectiveness of
including freeboard into a foundation design and to determine whether the assumptions
made in the original study were still valid. Additionally this study addresses concerns
that a homeowner may have when deciding how high to elevate their home above the
This analysis suggested that the data provided in the original study (2006 Evaluation of
the National Flood Insurance Program’s Building Standards) remains valid. Some
differences in construction costs and flood insurance premiums were noted, but the
overall validation of the study’s hypothesis that freeboard is beneficial to homeowners
and the community is still valid. Each study was able to arrive at these conclusions
independently and was able to conclude that the use of freeboard not only benefits the
homeowner with respect to avoided flood damages, but also benefits the homeowner
because flood insurance premiums offset the additional costs of construction. Differences
in BCRs are the result of differences in construction costs, BCA-tool version differences,
and other associated issues, but both study showed general trends that suggest that the use
of freeboard is beneficial to incorporate into the design of a house.
Final Considerations
Exactly how much freeboard is necessary for a particular house primarily depends upon
the homeowner’s decision to weigh the costs of construction versus the rewards. These
benefits can be realized as both insurance premium benefits and as reductions in risk.
Figure 2 provides an overview of the decision matrix that the homeowner should
consider when determining the ideal amount of freeboard to use.
Figure 2 | Freeboard Decision Matrix